UTF-8 character to stdio fails

Pauli suokkos at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 12:38:26 CDT 2020

On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 2:06 PM Piotr Caban <piotr.caban at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 6/11/20 1:10 AM, Pauli wrote:
> > When I tested the buffered output I had mixed results. Characters
> > rendedred correctly in wineconsole cmd. Too bad output was still grabage
> > because same output was written multiple times.
> I've sent a patch for fflush function that clears the buffer even if
> error occurs (https://source.winehq.org/patches/data/186903). It should
> fix some of the cases when output is written multiple times.

Your patch fixes the repeated output issue from my application too. Thanks.

> > After reading wine debug
> > log I figured that issue was around WriteFile call from MSVCRT__write.
> > stdout has WX_TEXT set leading to path which assumes WriteFile sets
> > BytesWritten to actual number of bytes. But kernel32.WriteFile does mb
> > to wc conversion (correctly) but it then writes number of wide
> > characters written.
> In the tests you have attached the fflush failure is caused by incorrect
> value set by ConsoleWriteA function. On Wine ConsoleWriteA(sout, test,
> sizeof(test) - 1, &written, NULL) sets written to 1, on Windows to 3.
> Please create a bug report about that (bugs.winehq.org).

I reported the bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49378

I looked a bit more into kernel32 code. It seems like an easy fix if I
could call something like mbrlen or mbrtowc. The Wine code indicates
kernel32.dll doesn't have access to any similar code page aware
function. As i don't know coding rules well enough I'm not going to
attempt to fix such a complex issue.

> Thanks,
> Piotr

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