[PATCH 1/3] adsldp: Bind to an LDAP server after connection.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Thu Mar 12 06:28:06 CDT 2020

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at baikal.ru>
 dlls/adsldp/adsldp.c     | 20 ++++++++++++++++++--
 dlls/adsldp/tests/ldap.c | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/adsldp/adsldp.c b/dlls/adsldp/adsldp.c
index acebf717aa..8e5c5c479b 100644
--- a/dlls/adsldp/adsldp.c
+++ b/dlls/adsldp/adsldp.c
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ static HRESULT parse_path(WCHAR *path, BSTR *host, ULONG *port, BSTR *object)
 static HRESULT WINAPI openobj_OpenDSObject(IADsOpenDSObject *iface, BSTR path, BSTR user, BSTR password,
-                                           LONG reserved, IDispatch **obj)
+                                           LONG flags, IDispatch **obj)
     BSTR host, object;
     ULONG port;
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI openobj_OpenDSObject(IADsOpenDSObject *iface, BSTR path, B
     HRESULT hr;
     ULONG err;
-    FIXME("%p,%s,%s,%08x,%p: semi-stub\n", iface, debugstr_w(path), debugstr_w(user), reserved, obj);
+    FIXME("%p,%s,%s,%p,%08x,%p: semi-stub\n", iface, debugstr_w(path), debugstr_w(user), password, flags, obj);
     hr = parse_path(path, &host, &port, &object);
     if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
@@ -770,6 +770,22 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI openobj_OpenDSObject(IADsOpenDSObject *iface, BSTR path, B
             goto fail;
+        if ((flags & ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION) && user && password)
+        {
+            FIXME("ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION is not supported\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            err = ldap_simple_bind_sW(ld, user, password);
+            if (err != LDAP_SUCCESS)
+            {
+                TRACE("ldap_simple_bind_sW error %#x\n", err);
+                hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err);
+                ldap_unbind(ld);
+                goto fail;
+            }
+        }
     hr = LDAPNamespace_create(&IID_IADs, (void **)&ads);
diff --git a/dlls/adsldp/tests/ldap.c b/dlls/adsldp/tests/ldap.c
index 0ecba26817..f31bfb7a36 100644
--- a/dlls/adsldp/tests/ldap.c
+++ b/dlls/adsldp/tests/ldap.c
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ static const struct
     const WCHAR *path;
     HRESULT hr, hr_ads_open, hr_ads_get;
+    const WCHAR *user, *password;
+    LONG flags;
 } test[] =
     { L"invalid", MK_E_SYNTAX, E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME, E_FAIL },
@@ -55,6 +57,9 @@ static const struct
     { L"LDAP://ldap.forumsys.com/rootDSE", S_OK },
     { L"LDAP://ldap.forumsys.com/rootDSE/", E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME },
     { L"LDAP://ldap.forumsys.com/rootDSE/invalid", E_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME },
+    { L"LDAP://ldap.forumsys.com/rootDSE", S_OK, S_OK, S_OK, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION },
+    { L"LDAP://ldap.forumsys.com/rootDSE", S_OK, S_OK, S_OK, L"CN=read-only-admin,DC=example,DC=com", L"password", 0 },
     /*{ L"LDAP://invalid", __HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_DS_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX) }, takes way too much time */
@@ -65,7 +70,8 @@ static void test_LDAP(void)
     IADs *ads;
     IADsOpenDSObject *ads_open;
     IDispatch *disp;
-    BSTR path;
+    BSTR path, user, password;
+    int i;
     hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_LDAPNamespace, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IADs, (void **)&ads);
     ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#x\n", hr);
@@ -80,14 +86,25 @@ static void test_LDAP(void)
     hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(unk, &IID_IADsOpenDSObject, (void **)&ads_open);
     ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#x\n", hr);
-    IADsOpenDSObject_Release(ads_open);
-    path = SysAllocString(L"LDAP:");
-    hr = IADsOpenDSObject_OpenDSObject(ads_open, path, NULL, NULL, ADS_SECURE_AUTHENTICATION, &disp);
-    SysFreeString(path);
-    ok(hr == S_OK, "got %#x\n", hr);
-    IDispatch_Release(disp);
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test); i++)
+    {
+        path = SysAllocString(test[i].path);
+        user = test[i].user ? SysAllocString(test[i].user) : NULL;
+        password = test[i].password ? SysAllocString(test[i].password) : NULL;
+        hr = IADsOpenDSObject_OpenDSObject(ads_open, path, user, password, test[i].flags, &disp);
+        ok(hr == test[i].hr || hr == test[i].hr_ads_open, "%d: got %#x, expected %#x\n", i, hr, test[i].hr);
+        if (hr == S_OK)
+            IDispatch_Release(disp);
+        SysFreeString(path);
+        SysFreeString(user);
+        SysFreeString(password);
+    }
+    IADsOpenDSObject_Release(ads_open);

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