[PATCH v3 1/2] winevulkan: Create JSON manifest and registry entry used by official Vulkan loader.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Mon Mar 23 18:50:59 CDT 2020

Hi Brendan,

On 23.03.2020 20:16, Brendan Shanks wrote:
> +static BOOL writestr(HANDLE handle, const char *str)
> +{
> +    DWORD written;
> +    return WriteFile(handle, str, strlen(str), &written, NULL);
> +}

It may be a matter of taste, but it doesn't seem worth a helper. You 
could just do that with a single WriteFile() call.

> +
> +HRESULT WINAPI DllRegisterServer(void)
> +{
> +    WCHAR path[MAX_PATH];
> +    HANDLE file;
> +    LRESULT result;
> +    HKEY key;
> +    DWORD zero = 0;
> +
> +    /* Create the JSON manifest and registry key to register this ICD with the official Vulkan loader. */
> +    TRACE("\n");
> +    GetSystemDirectoryW(path, ARRAY_SIZE(path));
> +    lstrcatW(path, winevulkan_jsonW);
> +    if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
> +        { ERR("Unable to create JSON manifest.\n"); return E_UNEXPECTED; }

Please try to match style of the file you change.

> +    writestr(file, "{\r\n");
> +    writestr(file, "    \"file_format_version\": \"1.0.0\",\r\n");
> +    writestr(file, "    \"ICD\": {\r\n");
> +    writestr(file, "        \"library_path\": \"winevulkan.dll\",\r\n");

It may not be too important in this case, but it's usually better to use 
full path in such places, something like a result of 
GetModuleFileNameW(). What do real IDSs use?

> +    writestr(file, "        \"api_version\": \"" WINE_VK_SPEC_VERSION "\"\r\n");
> +    writestr(file, "    }\r\n");
> +    writestr(file, "}\r\n");
> +    CloseHandle(file);
> +
> +    result = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, vulkan_driversW,
> +                             0, NULL, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &key, NULL);
> +    if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
> +        { ERR("Unable to create registry key.\n"); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
> +
> +    result = RegSetValueExW(key, path, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *)&zero, sizeof(zero));
> +    if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
> +        { ERR("Unable to set registry value.\n"); return E_UNEXPECTED; }

Style aside, you leak a handle in second error path. Error handling 
could also be simplified a bit.

> +HRESULT WINAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)
> +{
> +    WCHAR path[MAX_PATH];
> +    LRESULT result;
> +    HKEY key;
> +
> +    /* Remove the JSON manifest and registry key */
> +    TRACE("\n");
> +    GetSystemDirectoryW(path, ARRAY_SIZE(path));
> +    lstrcatW(path, winevulkan_jsonW);
> +    if (!DeleteFileW(path))
> +        ERR("Unable to delete JSON file.\n");
> +
> +    result = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, vulkan_driversW,
> +                           0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &key);
> +    if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
> +        { ERR("Unable to open registry key.\n"); return E_UNEXPECTED; }

This is not really an error.

> +
> +    result = RegDeleteValueW(key, path);
> +    if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS)
> +        ERR("Unable to delete registry key.\n");
> +
> +    RegCloseKey(key);
> +    return S_OK;
> +}

Those ERRs should we WARNs or removed. Eg. it's not really an error when 
it's ran with no winevulkan registered or if you run regsvr32 -u twice 
in a raw. We should report success and print no errors in such case.



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