[PATCH 1/2] winegstreamer: Add helper for GstCaps <-> IMFMediaType conversion.

Derek Lesho dlesho at codeweavers.com
Thu Mar 26 18:07:52 CDT 2020

On 3/26/20 4:56 PM, Zebediah Figura wrote:

> There's another broad question I have with this approach, actually,
> which is fundamental enough I have to assume it's at had some thought
> put into it, but it would be nice if that discussion happened in a more
> public place, and was justified in the patches sent.
> Essentially, the question is: what if we were to use decodebin directly?
> As I understand (and admittedly Media Foundation is far more complex
> than I could hope to understand) an application which just calls
> IMFSourceResolver methods just needs to get back a working
> IMFMediaSource, and we could wrap decodebin with one of those, similar
> to the quartz wrapper.
> First of all, this is something I think we want to do anyway. Microsoft
> has no demuxer for, say, Vorbis (at least, there's not one registered on
> my Windows 10 machine), but I think that we want to be able to play back
> Vorbis files anyway (in, say, a Win32 media player application). Instead
> of writing yet another source for vorbis, and for each other obscure
> format, we just write one generic decodebin wrapper.
> Second of all, the most obvious benefit, at least while looking at these
> patches, is that you now don't need to write caps <-> IMFMediaType
> conversion for every type on the planet. Another benefit is that you let
> all of the decoding happen within a single GStreamer pipeline, which is
> probably better for performance. You also can simplify your
> postprocessing step to adding a single videoconvert and audioconvert,
> instead of having to manually (or semi-manually) add e.g. an h264 parser
> element. These are some of the benefits I had in mind when removing the
> GStreamer quartz transforms.
> Even in the case where the application manually creates e.g. an MPEG-4
> source, my understanding is it's still the source's job to automatically
> append transforms to match the requested type. We'd just be moving that
> from the mfplat level to the gstreamer level—i.e. let decodebin select
> the 'transforms' needed to convert to raw video and audio.
> It obviously wouldn't match native structure, but it's not clear to me
> that it would fail to match native in a way that would cause problems.
> Judging from my experience with quartz, most applications aren't going
> to care how their media is decoded as long as they get raw samples out
> of it. Only a select few build the graph manually because they don't
> realize that they can autoplug, or make assumptions about which filters
> will be present once autoplugging is done, and some of those even fall
> back to autoplugging if their preferred method fails. Maybe the
> situation is different with mfplat, but given that there is a way to let
> mfplat figure out which sources and transforms to use, I'm gonna be
> really surprised if most applications aren't using it.
> If you do come across an application that requires we mimic native's
> specific arrangement of sources and transforms, it seems to me it
> wouldn't require that much effort to swap a different parser in for
> decodebin, and to implement the necessary bits in the media type
> conversion functions. Ultimately I suspect it'd be less work to have a
> decodebin wrapper + specific sources for applications that require them,
> than to manually implement every source and transform.
I'll make a more complete response to this tomorrow, but I really think 
that doing the incorrect thing isn't worth the supposed simplicity your 
method brings.  For instance, a commit I have on my local branch adding 
a ASF source and WMV decoder is 126 lines long. Take a look: 

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