[PATCH 1/6] mountmgr: Determine and store the filesystem type, label, and serial.

Zebediah Figura z.figura12 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 00:28:58 CDT 2020

Copied with minimal adaptation from kernel32/volume.c.

Signed-off-by: Zebediah Figura <zfigura at codeweavers.com>
I *think* this is the best approach to implementing FileFsVolumeInformation and
FileFsAttributeInformation, but given the (necessarily) different nature of Wine
to Windows and the difficulty of using host libraries from ntdll directly, I'm
not as confident as I might otherwise be.

Part of the goal here is to reimplement is_same_file() using Win32 API
functions. My original idea was to use FileIdInformation, which seems quite
similar: we return a volume and file ID pair. However, to do that, we need to
return the volume's actual serial number [1].

mountmgr *seems* like the right place to store this information, from a purely
semantic sense. It does mean we have to add more fields to an internal ioctl,
but given aed088df11 I'm led to believe this is nevertheless the preferred
approach. Moreover, storing this information in mountmgr means we have the
ability to derive the serial or label from disk management libraries (udisks2,
Disk Arbitration, etc.) in the case that we can't calculate it ourselves
(e.g. for an ext4 host partition).

Note that for the proposed implementation of is_same_file() to work, we need a
different serial number to be returned for each Unix drive—including those that
aren't mapped to a DOS device. This necessitates patch 3/6, or something
similar. On the other hand, since we treat volumes like C: as separate volumes,
i.e. ordinary directories linked as DOS devices, we need to be able to identify
the correct volume by path, hence find_dos_device() in patch 4/6.

The other way I can think of to do this is to centralize the logic in ntdll
(i.e. move it from kernel32), and forgo relying on mountmgr. The problem with
this is that we need to retrieve the Unix device file from the file, which as
far as I can tell is not really possible without relying on some complex
platform-specific trickery.

Alternatively, we could ask mountmgr for the Unix device and then do the
calculations in ntdll. It's not clear to me that's any worse than the current
approach, except that we lose the ability to derive the label or serial from
disk management libraries.

The code in kernel32 is not particularly pretty, but I figured it was a better
use of my time not to obsessively clean it up...

This series does not actually include the code that assigns a default serial,
but my plan is to derive it from the UUID in the case that we don't have a true
4-byte serial. I'm not sure of the best way to do this, though, so suggestions
are welcome...

[1] https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2020-March/161123.html

 dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c | 598 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 598 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c b/dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c
index 0ca2d42517a..1459386f06c 100644
--- a/dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c
+++ b/dlls/mountmgr.sys/device.c
@@ -71,6 +71,16 @@ static const WCHAR target_id_keyW[] = {'T','a','r','g','e','t',' ','I','d',' ','
 static const WCHAR lun_keyW[] = {'L','o','g','i','c','a','l',' ','U','n','i','t',' ','I','d',' ','%','d',0};
 static const WCHAR devnameW[] = {'D','e','v','i','c','e','N','a','m','e',0};
+enum fs_type
+    FS_ERROR,    /* error accessing the device */
+    FS_UNKNOWN,  /* unknown file system */
+    FS_FAT1216,
+    FS_FAT32,
+    FS_ISO9660,
+    FS_UDF       /* For reference [E] = Ecma-167.pdf, [U] = udf260.pdf */
 struct disk_device
     enum device_type      type;        /* drive type */
@@ -90,6 +100,9 @@ struct volume
     unsigned int          ref;         /* ref count */
     GUID                  guid;        /* volume uuid */
     struct mount_point   *mount;       /* Volume{xxx} mount point */
+    WCHAR                 label[256];  /* volume label */
+    DWORD                 serial;      /* volume serial number */
+    enum fs_type          fs_type;     /* file system type */
 struct dos_drive
@@ -204,6 +217,510 @@ static void send_notify( int drive, int code )
                              WM_DEVICECHANGE, code, (LPARAM)&info );
+#define BLOCK_SIZE 2048
+#define CDFRAMES_PERSEC         75
+#define FRAME_OF_ADDR(a)        ((a)[1] * CDFRAMES_PERMIN + (a)[2] * CDFRAMES_PERSEC + (a)[3])
+#define FRAME_OF_TOC(toc, idx)  FRAME_OF_ADDR((toc)->TrackData[(idx) - (toc)->FirstTrack].Address)
+#define GETWORD(buf,off)  MAKEWORD(buf[(off)],buf[(off+1)])
+#define GETLONG(buf,off)  MAKELONG(GETWORD(buf,off),GETWORD(buf,off+2))
+static int open_volume_file( const struct volume *volume, const char *file )
+    const char *unix_mount = volume->device->unix_mount;
+    char *path;
+    int fd;
+    if (!unix_mount) return -1;
+    if (unix_mount[0] == '/')
+    {
+        if (!(path = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen( unix_mount ) + 1 + strlen( file ) + 1 )))
+            return -1;
+        strcpy( path, unix_mount );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        const char *config_dir = wine_get_config_dir();
+        if (!(path = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen( config_dir )
+                + strlen("/dosdevices/") + strlen(unix_mount) + 1 + strlen( file ) + 1 )))
+            return -1;
+        strcpy( path, config_dir );
+        strcat( path, "/dosdevices/" );
+        strcat( path, unix_mount );
+    }
+    strcat( path, "/" );
+    strcat( path, file );
+    fd = open( path, O_RDONLY );
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, path );
+    return fd;
+/* get the label by reading it from a file at the root of the filesystem */
+static void get_filesystem_label( struct volume *volume )
+    int fd;
+    ssize_t size;
+    char buffer[256], *p;
+    volume->label[0] = 0;
+    if ((fd = open_volume_file( volume, ".windows-label" )) == -1)
+        return;
+    size = read( fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
+    close( fd );
+    p = buffer + size;
+    while (p > buffer && (p[-1] == ' ' || p[-1] == '\r' || p[-1] == '\n')) p--;
+    *p = 0;
+    if (!MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UNIXCP, 0, buffer, -1, volume->label, ARRAY_SIZE(volume->label) ))
+        volume->label[ARRAY_SIZE(volume->label) - 1] = 0;
+/* get the serial number by reading it from a file at the root of the filesystem */
+static void get_filesystem_serial( struct volume *volume )
+    int fd;
+    ssize_t size;
+    char buffer[32];
+    volume->serial = 0;
+    if ((fd = open_volume_file( volume, ".windows-serial" )) == -1)
+        return;
+    size = read( fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) );
+    close( fd );
+    if (size < 0) return;
+    buffer[size] = 0;
+    volume->serial = strtoul( buffer, NULL, 16 );
+ *		VOLUME_FindCdRomDataBestVoldesc
+ */
+static DWORD VOLUME_FindCdRomDataBestVoldesc( HANDLE handle )
+    BYTE cur_vd_type, max_vd_type = 0;
+    BYTE buffer[0x800];
+    DWORD size, offs, best_offs = 0, extra_offs = 0;
+    for (offs = 0x8000; offs <= 0x9800; offs += 0x800)
+    {
+        /* if 'CDROM' occurs at position 8, this is a pre-iso9660 cd, and
+         * the volume label is displaced forward by 8
+         */
+        if (SetFilePointer( handle, offs, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) != offs) break;
+        if (!ReadFile( handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &size, NULL )) break;
+        if (size != sizeof(buffer)) break;
+        /* check for non-ISO9660 signature */
+        if (!memcmp( buffer + 11, "ROM", 3 )) extra_offs = 8;
+        cur_vd_type = buffer[extra_offs];
+        if (cur_vd_type == 0xff) /* voldesc set terminator */
+            break;
+        if (cur_vd_type > max_vd_type)
+        {
+            max_vd_type = cur_vd_type;
+            best_offs = offs + extra_offs;
+        }
+    }
+    return best_offs;
+ *           VOLUME_ReadFATSuperblock
+ */
+static enum fs_type VOLUME_ReadFATSuperblock( HANDLE handle, BYTE *buff )
+    DWORD size;
+    /* try a fixed disk, with a FAT partition */
+    if (SetFilePointer( handle, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) != 0 ||
+        !ReadFile( handle, buff, SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, &size, NULL ))
+    {
+        if (GetLastError() == ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE) return FS_UNKNOWN;  /* not a real device */
+        return FS_ERROR;
+    }
+    if (size < SUPERBLOCK_SIZE) return FS_UNKNOWN;
+    /* FIXME: do really all FAT have their name beginning with
+     * "FAT" ? (At least FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 have :)
+     */
+    if (!memcmp(buff+0x36, "FAT", 3) || !memcmp(buff+0x52, "FAT", 3))
+    {
+        /* guess which type of FAT we have */
+        int reasonable;
+        unsigned int sectors,
+                     sect_per_fat,
+                     total_sectors,
+                     num_boot_sectors,
+                     num_fats,
+                     num_root_dir_ents,
+                     bytes_per_sector,
+                     sectors_per_cluster,
+                     nclust;
+        sect_per_fat = GETWORD(buff, 0x16);
+        if (!sect_per_fat) sect_per_fat = GETLONG(buff, 0x24);
+        total_sectors = GETWORD(buff, 0x13);
+        if (!total_sectors)
+            total_sectors = GETLONG(buff, 0x20);
+        num_boot_sectors = GETWORD(buff, 0x0e);
+        num_fats =  buff[0x10];
+        num_root_dir_ents = GETWORD(buff, 0x11);
+        bytes_per_sector = GETWORD(buff, 0x0b);
+        sectors_per_cluster = buff[0x0d];
+        /* check if the parameters are reasonable and will not cause
+         * arithmetic errors in the calculation */
+        reasonable = num_boot_sectors < total_sectors &&
+                     num_fats < 16 &&
+                     bytes_per_sector >= 512 && bytes_per_sector % 512 == 0 &&
+                     sectors_per_cluster >= 1;
+        if (!reasonable) return FS_UNKNOWN;
+        sectors =  total_sectors - num_boot_sectors - num_fats * sect_per_fat -
+            (num_root_dir_ents * 32 + bytes_per_sector - 1) / bytes_per_sector;
+        nclust = sectors / sectors_per_cluster;
+        if ((buff[0x42] == 0x28 || buff[0x42] == 0x29) &&
+                !memcmp(buff+0x52, "FAT", 3)) return FS_FAT32;
+        if (nclust < 65525)
+        {
+            if ((buff[0x26] == 0x28 || buff[0x26] == 0x29) &&
+                    !memcmp(buff+0x36, "FAT", 3))
+                return FS_FAT1216;
+        }
+    }
+    return FS_UNKNOWN;
+ *           VOLUME_ReadCDBlock
+ */
+static BOOL VOLUME_ReadCDBlock( HANDLE handle, BYTE *buff, INT offs )
+    DWORD size, whence = offs >= 0 ? FILE_BEGIN : FILE_END;
+    if (SetFilePointer( handle, offs, NULL, whence ) != offs ||
+        !ReadFile( handle, buff, SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, &size, NULL ) ||
+        size != SUPERBLOCK_SIZE)
+        return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+ *           VOLUME_ReadCDSuperblock
+ */
+static enum fs_type VOLUME_ReadCDSuperblock( HANDLE handle, BYTE *buff )
+    int i;
+    DWORD offs;
+    /* Check UDF first as UDF and ISO9660 structures can coexist on the same medium
+     *  Starting from sector 16, we may find :
+     *  - a CD-ROM Volume Descriptor Set (ISO9660) containing one or more Volume Descriptors
+     *  - an Extended Area (UDF) -- [E] 2/8.3.1 and [U] 2.1.7
+     *  There is no explicit end so read 16 sectors and then give up */
+    for( i=16; i<16+16; i++)
+    {
+        if (!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, buff, i*BLOCK_SIZE))
+            continue;
+        /* We are supposed to check "BEA01", "NSR0x" and "TEA01" IDs + verify tag checksum
+         *  but we assume the volume is well-formatted */
+        if (!memcmp(&buff[1], "BEA01", 5)) return FS_UDF;
+    }
+    offs = VOLUME_FindCdRomDataBestVoldesc( handle );
+    if (!offs) return FS_UNKNOWN;
+    if (!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, buff, offs))
+        return FS_ERROR;
+    /* check for the iso9660 identifier */
+    if (!memcmp(&buff[1], "CD001", 5)) return FS_ISO9660;
+    return FS_UNKNOWN;
+ *                        UDF_Find_PVD
+ * Find the Primary Volume Descriptor
+ */
+static BOOL UDF_Find_PVD( HANDLE handle, BYTE pvd[] )
+    unsigned int i;
+    DWORD offset;
+    INT locations[] = { 256, -1, -257, 512 };
+    for(i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(locations); i++)
+    {
+        if (!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, pvd, locations[i]*BLOCK_SIZE))
+            return FALSE;
+        /* Tag Identifier of Anchor Volume Descriptor Pointer is 2 -- [E] 3/10.2.1 */
+        if (pvd[0]==2 && pvd[1]==0)
+        {
+            /* Tag location (Uint32) at offset 12, little-endian */
+            offset  = pvd[20 + 0];
+            offset |= pvd[20 + 1] << 8;
+            offset |= pvd[20 + 2] << 16;
+            offset |= pvd[20 + 3] << 24;
+            offset *= BLOCK_SIZE;
+            if (!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, pvd, offset))
+                return FALSE;
+            /* Check for the Primary Volume Descriptor Tag Id -- [E] 3/10.1.1 */
+            if (pvd[0]!=1 || pvd[1]!=0)
+                return FALSE;
+            /* 8 or 16 bits per character -- [U] 2.1.1 */
+            if (!(pvd[24]==8 || pvd[24]==16))
+                return FALSE;
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+ *                              VOLUME_GetSuperblockLabel
+ */
+static void VOLUME_GetSuperblockLabel( struct volume *volume, HANDLE handle, const BYTE *superblock )
+    const BYTE *label_ptr = NULL;
+    DWORD label_len;
+    switch (volume->fs_type)
+    {
+    case FS_ERROR:
+        label_len = 0;
+        break;
+    case FS_UNKNOWN:
+        get_filesystem_label( volume );
+        return;
+    case FS_FAT1216:
+        label_ptr = superblock + 0x2b;
+        label_len = 11;
+        break;
+    case FS_FAT32:
+        label_ptr = superblock + 0x47;
+        label_len = 11;
+        break;
+    case FS_ISO9660:
+        {
+            BYTE ver = superblock[0x5a];
+            if (superblock[0x58] == 0x25 && superblock[0x59] == 0x2f &&  /* Unicode ID */
+                ((ver == 0x40) || (ver == 0x43) || (ver == 0x45)))
+            { /* yippee, unicode */
+                unsigned int i;
+                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+                    volume->label[i] = (superblock[40+2*i] << 8) | superblock[41+2*i];
+                volume->label[i] = 0;
+                while (i && volume->label[i-1] == ' ') volume->label[--i] = 0;
+                return;
+            }
+            label_ptr = superblock + 40;
+            label_len = 32;
+            break;
+        }
+    case FS_UDF:
+        {
+            BYTE pvd[BLOCK_SIZE];
+            if(!UDF_Find_PVD(handle, pvd))
+            {
+                label_len = 0;
+                break;
+            }
+            /* [E] 3/10.1.4 and [U] 2.1.1 */
+            if(pvd[24]==8)
+            {
+                label_ptr = pvd + 24 + 1;
+                label_len = pvd[24+32-1];
+                break;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                unsigned int i;
+                label_len = 1 + pvd[24+32-1];
+                for (i = 0; i < label_len; i += 2)
+                    volume->label[i/2] = (pvd[24+1+i] << 8) | pvd[24+1+i+1];
+                volume->label[label_len] = 0;
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (label_len) RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN( volume->label, sizeof(volume->label) - sizeof(WCHAR),
+                                           &label_len, (const char *)label_ptr, label_len );
+    label_len /= sizeof(WCHAR);
+    volume->label[label_len] = 0;
+    while (label_len && volume->label[label_len-1] == ' ') volume->label[--label_len] = 0;
+ *                              UDF_Find_FSD_Sector
+ * Find the File Set Descriptor used to compute the serial of a UDF volume
+ */
+static int UDF_Find_FSD_Sector( HANDLE handle, BYTE block[] )
+    int i, PVD_sector, PD_sector, PD_length;
+    if(!UDF_Find_PVD(handle,block))
+        goto default_sector;
+    /* Retrieve the tag location of the PVD -- [E] 3/7.2 */
+    PVD_sector  = block[12 + 0];
+    PVD_sector |= block[12 + 1] << 8;
+    PVD_sector |= block[12 + 2] << 16;
+    PVD_sector |= block[12 + 3] << 24;
+    /* Find the Partition Descriptor */
+    for(i=PVD_sector+1; ; i++)
+    {
+        if(!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, block, i*BLOCK_SIZE))
+            goto default_sector;
+        /* Partition Descriptor Tag Id -- [E] 3/10.5.1 */
+        if(block[0]==5 && block[1]==0)
+            break;
+        /* Terminating Descriptor Tag Id -- [E] 3/10.9.1 */
+        if(block[0]==8 && block[1]==0)
+            goto default_sector;
+    }
+    /* Find the partition starting location -- [E] 3/10.5.8 */
+    PD_sector  = block[188 + 0];
+    PD_sector |= block[188 + 1] << 8;
+    PD_sector |= block[188 + 2] << 16;
+    PD_sector |= block[188 + 3] << 24;
+    /* Find the partition length -- [E] 3/10.5.9 */
+    PD_length  = block[192 + 0];
+    PD_length |= block[192 + 1] << 8;
+    PD_length |= block[192 + 2] << 16;
+    PD_length |= block[192 + 3] << 24;
+    for(i=PD_sector; i<PD_sector+PD_length; i++)
+    {
+        if(!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, block, i*BLOCK_SIZE))
+            goto default_sector;
+        /* File Set Descriptor Tag Id -- [E] 3/14.1.1 */
+        if(block[0]==0 && block[1]==1)
+            return i;
+    }
+    WARN("FSD sector not found, serial may be incorrect\n");
+    return 257;
+ *                              VOLUME_GetSuperblockSerial
+ */
+static void VOLUME_GetSuperblockSerial( struct volume *volume, HANDLE handle, const BYTE *superblock )
+    int FSD_sector;
+    BYTE block[BLOCK_SIZE];
+    switch (volume->fs_type)
+    {
+    case FS_ERROR:
+        break;
+    case FS_UNKNOWN:
+        get_filesystem_serial( volume );
+        break;
+    case FS_FAT1216:
+        volume->serial = GETLONG( superblock, 0x27 );
+        break;
+    case FS_FAT32:
+        volume->serial = GETLONG( superblock, 0x43 );
+        break;
+    case FS_UDF:
+        FSD_sector = UDF_Find_FSD_Sector(handle, block);
+        if (!VOLUME_ReadCDBlock(handle, block, FSD_sector*BLOCK_SIZE))
+            break;
+        superblock = block;
+        /* fallthrough */
+    case FS_ISO9660:
+        {
+            BYTE sum[4];
+            int i;
+            sum[0] = sum[1] = sum[2] = sum[3] = 0;
+            for (i = 0; i < 2048; i += 4)
+            {
+                /* DON'T optimize this into DWORD !! (breaks overflow) */
+                sum[0] += superblock[i+0];
+                sum[1] += superblock[i+1];
+                sum[2] += superblock[i+2];
+                sum[3] += superblock[i+3];
+            }
+            /*
+             * OK, another braindead one... argh. Just believe it.
+             * Me$$ysoft chose to reverse the serial number in NT4/W2K.
+             * It's true and nobody will ever be able to change it.
+             */
+            if ((GetVersion() & 0x80000000) || volume->fs_type == FS_UDF)
+                volume->serial = (sum[3] << 24) | (sum[2] << 16) | (sum[1] << 8) | sum[0];
+            else
+                volume->serial = (sum[0] << 24) | (sum[1] << 16) | (sum[2] << 8) | sum[3];
+        }
+    }
+ *                              VOLUME_GetAudioCDSerial
+ */
+static DWORD VOLUME_GetAudioCDSerial( const CDROM_TOC *toc )
+    DWORD serial = 0;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i <= toc->LastTrack - toc->FirstTrack; i++)
+        serial += ((toc->TrackData[i].Address[1] << 16) |
+                   (toc->TrackData[i].Address[2] << 8) |
+                   toc->TrackData[i].Address[3]);
+    /*
+     * dwStart, dwEnd collect the beginning and end of the disc respectively, in
+     * frames.
+     * There it is collected for correcting the serial when there are less than
+     * 3 tracks.
+     */
+    if (toc->LastTrack - toc->FirstTrack + 1 < 3)
+    {
+        DWORD dwStart = FRAME_OF_TOC(toc, toc->FirstTrack);
+        DWORD dwEnd = FRAME_OF_TOC(toc, toc->LastTrack + 1);
+        serial += dwEnd - dwStart;
+    }
+    return serial;
 /* create the disk device for a given volume */
 static NTSTATUS create_disk_device( enum device_type type, struct disk_device **device_ret )
@@ -473,6 +990,72 @@ static struct volume *find_matching_volume( const char *udi, const char *device,
     return NULL;
+static BOOL get_volume_device_info( struct volume *volume )
+    const char *unix_device = volume->device->unix_device;
+    ANSI_STRING unix_name;
+    UNICODE_STRING nt_name;
+    HANDLE handle;
+    NTSTATUS ret;
+    CDROM_TOC toc;
+    DWORD size;
+    BYTE superblock[SUPERBLOCK_SIZE];
+    if (!unix_device)
+        return FALSE;
+    RtlInitAnsiString( &unix_name, unix_device );
+    if ((ret = wine_unix_to_nt_file_name( &unix_name, &nt_name )))
+    {
+        ERR("Failed to convert %s to NT, status %#x\n", debugstr_a(unix_device), ret);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    InitializeObjectAttributes( &attr, &nt_name, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, NULL );
+    if ((ret = NtOpenFile( &handle, GENERIC_READ | SYNCHRONIZE, &attr, &io, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
+    {
+        WARN("Failed to open %s, status %#x\n", debugstr_a(unix_device), ret);
+        RtlFreeUnicodeString( &nt_name );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (DeviceIoControl( handle, IOCTL_CDROM_READ_TOC, NULL, 0, &toc, sizeof(toc), &size, 0 ))
+    {
+        if (!(toc.TrackData[0].Control & 0x04))  /* audio track */
+        {
+            static const WCHAR audiocdW[] = {'A','u','d','i','o',' ','C','D',0};
+            TRACE( "%s: found audio CD\n", debugstr_a(unix_device) );
+            lstrcpynW( volume->label, audiocdW, ARRAY_SIZE(volume->label) );
+            volume->serial = VOLUME_GetAudioCDSerial( &toc );
+            volume->fs_type = FS_ISO9660;
+            CloseHandle( handle );
+            return TRUE;
+        }
+        volume->fs_type = VOLUME_ReadCDSuperblock( handle, superblock );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        volume->fs_type = VOLUME_ReadFATSuperblock( handle, superblock );
+        if (volume->fs_type == FS_UNKNOWN) volume->fs_type = VOLUME_ReadCDSuperblock( handle, superblock );
+    }
+    TRACE( "%s: found fs type %d\n", debugstr_a(unix_device), volume->fs_type );
+    if (volume->fs_type == FS_ERROR)
+    {
+        CloseHandle( handle );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    VOLUME_GetSuperblockLabel( volume, handle, superblock );
+    VOLUME_GetSuperblockSerial( volume, handle, superblock );
+    CloseHandle( handle );
+    return TRUE;
 /* change the information for an existing volume */
 static NTSTATUS set_volume_info( struct volume *volume, struct dos_drive *drive, const char *device,
                                  const char *mount_point, enum device_type type, const GUID *guid )
@@ -506,6 +1089,21 @@ static NTSTATUS set_volume_info( struct volume *volume, struct dos_drive *drive,
     disk_device->unix_device = strdupA( device );
     disk_device->unix_mount = strdupA( mount_point );
+    if (!get_volume_device_info( volume ))
+    {
+        if (volume->device->type == DEVICE_CDROM)
+            volume->fs_type = FS_ISO9660;
+        else if (volume->device->type == DEVICE_DVD)
+            volume->fs_type = FS_UDF;
+        else
+            volume->fs_type = FS_UNKNOWN;
+        get_filesystem_label( volume );
+        get_filesystem_serial( volume );
+    }
+    TRACE("fs_type %#x, label %s, serial %08x\n", volume->fs_type, debugstr_w(volume->label), volume->serial);
     if (guid && memcmp( &volume->guid, guid, sizeof(volume->guid) ))
         volume->guid = *guid;

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