[PATCH 2/3] winevulkan: Implement extension faking mechanism

Joshua Ashton joshua at froggi.es
Tue Oct 13 19:02:18 CDT 2020

Zeb, it's in vulkan_win32.h.
You can't include it on Linux or any other platform for that matter.
If you read the xml, it's marked as being `platform="win32"`.
It's a Windows extension.

To move it out of there on a Vulkan level, we'd need to make a sequel 
and different platform-specific extensions.
Inherently making this version unsupportable in non-Windows drivers.

It makes more sense to read the line of VK_KHR_win32_surface support 
more as if you want surfaces (ie. not headless) than focusing on the 
platform part of things.

- Joshie 🐸✨

On 10/14/20 12:37 AM, Georg Lehmann wrote:
> On 14.10.20 01:23, Zebediah Figura wrote:
>> On 10/13/20 4:54 PM, Joshua Ashton wrote:
>>> Figured I should add the reason why, is because just passing it through
>>> will cause the device to fail to be created because nobody supports
>>> VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive on Linux.
>> Sure, but they could.
>>> It's an entirely Windows-centric extension.
>> Well, no, it's not really, but it does include some API-level
>> integration with win32 monitors *if* KHR_win32_surface is supported. In
>> that case, as far as I can see, we don't even need to do anything,
>> because the VkSurfaceFullScreenExclusiveWin32InfoEXT structure would
>> just be ignored.
> No, according to the vulkan spec a 
> VkSurfaceFullScreenExclusiveWin32InfoEXT is illegal in any chain unless 
> the full screen + win32 surface exts are enabled. In practice, this will 
> break layers like renderdoc. So we would still need code to remove that 
> struct from pNext chains.
> Georg
>> Not that this necessarily means that lower-level drivers should be the
>> ones to implement the extension, but if nothing else, this information
>> isn't present at all in the patch.
>> Also, do we really need a generic mechanism for this, wired into
>> make_vulkan? Can't we just handle this extension specially in
>> wine_vk_device_convert_create_info()?
>>> - Joshie 🐸✨
>>> On 10/13/20 10:42 PM, Joshua Ashton wrote:
>>>> winex11/winemac only does this for instance extensions.
>>>> VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive is a device extension.
>>>> - Joshie 🐸✨
>>>> On 10/13/20 10:35 PM, Zebediah Figura wrote:
>>>>> Why not do this the normal way, i.e. by modifying the code in winex11
>>>>> and winemac?
>>>>> Also, what's the point of faking the extension like this? Why not just
>>>>> pass it through?

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