[PATCH v2] wininet: Implement INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_CERTIFICATE flag for InternetQueryOption.

Daniel Lehman dlehman25 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 08:43:59 CDT 2020

> I'm not familiar with relevant code, but it seems to me that ideally wrc
> would support \r in this case.

i can get wrc to take \r.  but when the message is passed to gettext,
i get this:
"warning: internationalized messages should not contain the '\r'
escape sequence"

the same warning is shown for other escape sequences, like \v
i can skip the \r and it's still multi-line, but the output
miscompares with windows which has the \r
the only alternative i see is is to break the multiline message into
multiple single-line messages


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