[PATCH 3/3] winegstreamer: Implement IMFMediaStream::GetStreamDescriptor.

Derek Lesho dlesho at codeweavers.com
Mon Sep 14 14:28:53 CDT 2020

On 9/10/20 7:54 PM, Zebediah Figura wrote:

> It's not really idiomatic code structure. More concretely, it also means
> you're copying the caps when you don't need to.
This doesn't strike me as a concern during source initialization. We 
won't be calling this function while media is playing.
> If you really need to do something like this, you probably want a
> separate function that takes a GstCaps and returns a new GstCaps that is
> compatible with mfplat, then you feed the output of that through
> mf_media_type_from_caps().

This is what I currently do[1], it's just that internally I prefer to 
wrap this into a single function, to keep the conversion code and the 
correction code next to eachother.

I'm about to send v2, and everything but this comment should be addressed.


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