[PATCH 10/12] iphlpapi/tests: Add tests for IcmpSendEcho2 with asynchronous events.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 09:28:31 CDT 2020

Signed-off-by: Gabriel Ivăncescu <gabrielopcode at gmail.com>
 dlls/iphlpapi/tests/iphlpapi.c | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 202 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/iphlpapi/tests/iphlpapi.c b/dlls/iphlpapi/tests/iphlpapi.c
index 6cbe725..63ce27e 100644
--- a/dlls/iphlpapi/tests/iphlpapi.c
+++ b/dlls/iphlpapi/tests/iphlpapi.c
@@ -865,9 +865,11 @@ static void testIcmpSendEcho(void)
     HANDLE icmp;
     char senddata[32], replydata[sizeof(senddata) + sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY)];
+    char replydata2[sizeof(replydata) + sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK)];
     DWORD ret, error, replysz = sizeof(replydata);
     IPAddr address;
     ICMP_ECHO_REPLY *reply;
+    HANDLE event;
     INT i;
     memset(senddata, 0, sizeof(senddata));
@@ -881,6 +883,15 @@ static void testIcmpSendEcho(void)
         || broken(error == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) /* <= 2003 */,
         "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    address = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok (!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
     icmp = IcmpCreateFile();
     if (icmp == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
@@ -1028,6 +1039,197 @@ static void testIcmpSendEcho(void)
     ok(reply->DataSize == sizeof(senddata), "Got size:%d\n", reply->DataSize);
     ok(!memcmp(senddata, reply->Data, min(sizeof(senddata), reply->DataSize)), "Data mismatch\n");
+    /*
+     * IcmpSendEcho2
+    */
+    address = 0;
+    replysz = sizeof(replydata2);
+    memset(senddata, 0, sizeof(senddata));
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME
+        || broken(error == IP_BAD_DESTINATION) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 1214, got %d\n", error);
+    event = CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+    ok(event != NULL, "CreateEventW failed unexpectedly with error %d\n", GetLastError());
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 returned success unexpectedly\n");
+    ok(error == ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME
+        || broken(error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "Got last error: 0x%08x\n", error);
+    if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING)
+    {
+        ret = WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 2000, TRUE);
+        ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObjectEx failed unexpectedly with %u\n", ret);
+    }
+    address = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, NULL, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_NOACCESS) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, NULL, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_NOACCESS) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    ok(WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 0, TRUE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Event was unexpectedly signalled.\n");
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, 0, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, 0, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    ok(WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 0, TRUE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Event was unexpectedly signalled.\n");
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, NULL, 0, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, NULL, 0, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 succeeded unexpectedly\n");
+        || broken(error == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) /* <= 2003 */,
+        "expected 87, got %d\n", error);
+    ok(WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 0, TRUE) == WAIT_TIMEOUT, "Event was unexpectedly signalled.\n");
+    /* synchronous tests */
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    address = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+    replysz = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, 0, NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    ok(ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 failed unexpectedly with error %d\n", GetLastError());
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, NULL, 0, NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    ok(ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 failed unexpectedly with error %d\n", GetLastError());
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, 0, NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    ok(ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 failed unexpectedly with error %d\n", GetLastError());
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    replysz = sizeof(ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) + sizeof(IO_STATUS_BLOCK) + ICMP_MINLEN;
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, ICMP_MINLEN, NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    ok(ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 failed unexpectedly with error %d\n", GetLastError());
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    replysz = sizeof(replydata2);
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    if (!ret)
+    {
+        error = GetLastError();
+        skip("Failed to ping with error %d, is lo interface down?\n", error);
+    }
+    else if (winetest_debug > 1)
+    {
+        reply = (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY*)replydata2;
+        trace("send addr  : %s\n", ntoa(address));
+        trace("reply addr : %s\n", ntoa(reply->Address));
+        trace("reply size : %u\n", replysz);
+        trace("roundtrip  : %u ms\n", reply->RoundTripTime);
+        trace("status     : %u\n", reply->Status);
+        trace("recv size  : %u\n", reply->DataSize);
+        trace("ttl        : %u\n", reply->Options.Ttl);
+        trace("flags      : 0x%x\n", reply->Options.Flags);
+    }
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(senddata); i++) senddata[i] = i & 0xff;
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    reply = (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY*)replydata2;
+    ok(ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 failed unexpectedly\n");
+    ok(error == NO_ERROR, "Expect last error: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", NO_ERROR, error);
+    ok(ntohl(reply->Address) == INADDR_LOOPBACK, "Address mismatch, expect: %s, got: %s\n", ntoa(INADDR_LOOPBACK),
+       ntoa(reply->Address));
+    ok(reply->Status == IP_SUCCESS, "Expect status: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", IP_SUCCESS, reply->Status);
+    ok(reply->DataSize == sizeof(senddata), "Got size: %d\n", reply->DataSize);
+    ok(!memcmp(senddata, reply->Data, min(sizeof(senddata), reply->DataSize)), "Data mismatch\n");
+    /* asynchronous tests with event */
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    replysz = sizeof(replydata2);
+    address = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
+    memset(senddata, 0, sizeof(senddata));
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    if (!ret && error != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
+    {
+        skip("Failed to ping with error %d, is lo interface down?\n", error);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 returned success unexpectedly\n");
+        ok(error == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "Expect last error: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", ERROR_IO_PENDING, error);
+        ret = WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 2000, TRUE);
+        ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObjectEx failed unexpectedly with %u\n", ret);
+        reply = (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY*)replydata2;
+        ok(ntohl(reply->Address) == INADDR_LOOPBACK, "Address mismatch, expect: %s, got: %s\n", ntoa(INADDR_LOOPBACK),
+           ntoa(reply->Address));
+        ok(reply->Status == IP_SUCCESS, "Expect status: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", IP_SUCCESS, reply->Status);
+        ok(reply->DataSize == sizeof(senddata), "Got size: %d\n", reply->DataSize);
+        if (winetest_debug > 1)
+        {
+            reply = (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY*)replydata2;
+            trace("send addr  : %s\n", ntoa(address));
+            trace("reply addr : %s\n", ntoa(reply->Address));
+            trace("reply size : %u\n", replysz);
+            trace("roundtrip  : %u ms\n", reply->RoundTripTime);
+            trace("status     : %u\n", reply->Status);
+            trace("recv size  : %u\n", reply->DataSize);
+            trace("ttl        : %u\n", reply->Options.Ttl);
+            trace("flags      : 0x%x\n", reply->Options.Flags);
+        }
+    }
+    SetLastError(0xdeadbeef);
+    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(senddata); i++) senddata[i] = i & 0xff;
+    ret = IcmpSendEcho2(icmp, event, NULL, NULL, address, senddata, sizeof(senddata), NULL, replydata2, replysz, 1000);
+    error = GetLastError();
+    ok(!ret, "IcmpSendEcho2 returned success unexpectedly\n");
+    ok(error == ERROR_IO_PENDING, "Expect last error: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", ERROR_IO_PENDING, error);
+    ret = WaitForSingleObjectEx(event, 2000, TRUE);
+    ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "WaitForSingleObjectEx failed unexpectedly with %u\n", ret);
+    reply = (ICMP_ECHO_REPLY*)replydata2;
+    ok(ntohl(reply->Address) == INADDR_LOOPBACK, "Address mismatch, expect: %s, got: %s\n", ntoa(INADDR_LOOPBACK),
+       ntoa(reply->Address));
+    ok(reply->Status == IP_SUCCESS, "Expect status: 0x%08x, got: 0x%08x\n", IP_SUCCESS, reply->Status);
+    ok(reply->DataSize == sizeof(senddata), "Got size: %d\n", reply->DataSize);
+    /* pre-Vista, reply->Data is an offset; otherwise it's a pointer, so hardcode the offset */
+    ok(!memcmp(senddata, reply + 1, min(sizeof(senddata), reply->DataSize)), "Data mismatch\n");
+    CloseHandle(event);

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