[PATCH resend] user32: Fix messages sent on a window without WS_CHILD, but with an invisible parent, when it is shown.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 09:53:04 CDT 2020


Is there something wrong with this patch, or something I should add to 
it? I've resent it a few times now and always slept through the cracks. 
It fixes the bug, and fixes the existing message sequence to match 
Windows. (the WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE is optional and only because Wine sends 
it, Windows only does that in 256-color mode, which is completely 
unrelated to this patch)

FWIW, the patch just adds checks for WS_CHILD, because apparently that's 
what Windows does, and that's what fixes the bug, too.

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