[PATCH v3 5/6] oleaut32: Make GetNames omit same parameters as GetFuncDesc.

Huw Davies huw at codeweavers.com
Mon Sep 28 04:52:54 CDT 2020

From: Kevin Puetz <PuetzKevinA at JohnDeere.com>

GetFuncDesc removes parameters which are handled specially by Invoke;
GetNames should also consistently omit their names.

Signed-off-by: Kevin Puetz <PuetzKevinA at JohnDeere.com>
Signed-off-by: Huw Davies <huw at codeweavers.com>
 dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c b/dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c
index 54d020b7e97..989340de9c2 100644
--- a/dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c
+++ b/dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c
@@ -6117,76 +6117,98 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI ITypeInfo_fnGetVarDesc( ITypeInfo2 *iface, UINT index,
     return TLB_AllocAndInitVarDesc(&pVDesc->vardesc, ppVarDesc);
-/* ITypeInfo_GetNames
- *
- * Retrieves the variable with the specified member ID (or the name of the
- * property or method and its parameters) that correspond to the specified
- * function ID.
- */
-static HRESULT WINAPI ITypeInfo_fnGetNames( ITypeInfo2 *iface, MEMBERID memid,
-        BSTR  *rgBstrNames, UINT cMaxNames, UINT  *pcNames)
+/* internal function to make the inherited interfaces' methods appear
+ * part of the interface, remembering if the top-level was dispinterface */
+static HRESULT typeinfo_getnames( ITypeInfo *iface, MEMBERID memid, BSTR *names,
+                                  UINT max_names, UINT *num_names, BOOL dispinterface)
-    ITypeInfoImpl *This = impl_from_ITypeInfo2(iface);
-    const TLBFuncDesc *pFDesc;
-    const TLBVarDesc *pVDesc;
+    ITypeInfoImpl *This = impl_from_ITypeInfo(iface);
+    const TLBFuncDesc *func_desc;
+    const TLBVarDesc *var_desc;
     int i;
-    TRACE("(%p) memid=0x%08x Maxname=%d\n", This, memid, cMaxNames);
-    if(!rgBstrNames)
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
+    *num_names = 0;
-    *pcNames = 0;
-    pFDesc = TLB_get_funcdesc_by_memberid(This, memid);
-    if(pFDesc)
+    func_desc = TLB_get_funcdesc_by_memberid(This, memid);
+    if (func_desc)
-        if(!cMaxNames || !pFDesc->Name)
+        UINT params = func_desc->funcdesc.cParams;
+        if (!max_names || !func_desc->Name)
             return S_OK;
-        *rgBstrNames = SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(pFDesc->Name));
-        ++(*pcNames);
+        *names = SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(func_desc->Name));
+        ++(*num_names);
+        if (dispinterface && (func_desc->funcdesc.funckind != FUNC_DISPATCH))
+        {
+            /* match the rewriting of special trailing parameters in TLB_AllocAndInitFuncDesc */
+            if ((params > 0) && (func_desc->funcdesc.lprgelemdescParam[params - 1].u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL))
+                --params; /* Invoke(pVarResult) supplies the [retval] parameter, so it's hidden from DISPPARAMS */
+            if ((params > 0) && (func_desc->funcdesc.lprgelemdescParam[params - 1].u.paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FLCID))
+                --params; /* Invoke(lcid) supplies the [lcid] parameter, so it's hidden from DISPPARAMS */
+        }
-        for(i = 0; i < pFDesc->funcdesc.cParams; ++i){
-            if(*pcNames >= cMaxNames || !pFDesc->pParamDesc[i].Name)
+        for (i = 0; i < params; i++)
+        {
+            if (*num_names >= max_names || !func_desc->pParamDesc[i].Name)
                 return S_OK;
-            rgBstrNames[*pcNames] = SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(pFDesc->pParamDesc[i].Name));
-            ++(*pcNames);
+            names[*num_names] = SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(func_desc->pParamDesc[i].Name));
+            ++(*num_names);
         return S_OK;
-    pVDesc = TLB_get_vardesc_by_memberid(This, memid);
-    if(pVDesc)
+    var_desc = TLB_get_vardesc_by_memberid(This, memid);
+    if (var_desc)
-      *rgBstrNames=SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(pVDesc->Name));
-      *pcNames=1;
+        *names = SysAllocString(TLB_get_bstr(var_desc->Name));
+        *num_names = 1;
-        if(This->impltypes &&
-	   (This->typeattr.typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE || This->typeattr.typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH)) {
-          /* recursive search */
-          ITypeInfo *pTInfo;
-          HRESULT result;
-          result = ITypeInfo2_GetRefTypeInfo(iface, This->impltypes[0].hRef, &pTInfo);
-          if(SUCCEEDED(result))
-	  {
-            result=ITypeInfo_GetNames(pTInfo, memid, rgBstrNames, cMaxNames, pcNames);
-            ITypeInfo_Release(pTInfo);
-            return result;
-          }
-          WARN("Could not search inherited interface!\n");
+        if (This->impltypes &&
+            (This->typeattr.typekind == TKIND_INTERFACE || This->typeattr.typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH))
+        {
+            /* recursive search */
+            ITypeInfo *parent;
+            HRESULT result;
+            result = ITypeInfo_GetRefTypeInfo(iface, This->impltypes[0].hRef, &parent);
+            if (SUCCEEDED(result))
+            {
+                result = typeinfo_getnames(parent, memid, names, max_names, num_names, dispinterface);
+                ITypeInfo_Release(parent);
+                return result;
+            }
+            WARN("Could not search inherited interface!\n");
-          WARN("no names found\n");
+            WARN("no names found\n");
-        *pcNames=0;
+        *num_names = 0;
     return S_OK;
+/* ITypeInfo_GetNames
+ *
+ * Retrieves the variable with the specified member ID (or the name of the
+ * property or method and its parameters) that correspond to the specified
+ * function ID.
+ */
+static HRESULT WINAPI ITypeInfo_fnGetNames( ITypeInfo2 *iface, MEMBERID memid,
+                                            BSTR *names, UINT max_names, UINT *num_names)
+    ITypeInfoImpl *This = impl_from_ITypeInfo2(iface);
+    TRACE("(%p) memid 0x%08x max_names %d\n", This, memid, max_names);
+    if (!names) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    return typeinfo_getnames((ITypeInfo *)iface, memid, names, max_names, num_names,
+                             This->typeattr.typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH);
 /* ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeOfImplType

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