[PATCH 2/2] wined3d: Update the swapchain windows' sizes after it has been unminimized.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 07:45:46 CDT 2020

On 30/09/2020 14:53, Henri Verbeet wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 19:16, Gabriel Ivăncescu <gabrielopcode at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fixes a regression introduced by commit
>> 82c6ec3a32f44e8b3e0cc88b7f10e0c0d7fa1b89, which caused the WM_ACTIVATEAPP
>> to be sent while the window is minimized, if it has been clicked on in the
>> taskbar to be restored. The behavior is correct wrt Windows, but some games
>> expect the window pos change messages to be sent while they are unminimized,
>> but we only sent it during the WM_ACTIVATEAPP hook.
> It's not entirely clear to me what we're fixing here. (E.g., is the
> issue about the order of the messages, or the state of the window?
> Which version of Direct3D does this affect?) Do you have a test to
> reproduce the issue?

The issue is that HOMM V relies on the SetWindowPos messages to be 
received when it is unminimized, otherwise it remains a black screen 
when restored. Prior to that patch, we sent them during WM_ACTIVATEAPP, 
which happened when the game was not minimized (because WM_SYSCOMMAND 
SC_RESTORE was the reason the WM_ACTIVATEAPP was sent in the first place).

That patch is needed to fix games like Project CARS, though, and it is 
correct according to Zhiyi's commit message. I also tested it and it 
does appear to be correct: WM_ACTIVATE and WM_ACTIVATEAPP are sent 
before the SC_RESTORE message, if it's clicked on the taskbar to restore 

I'm not entirely sure how to add a test since it requires clicking on 
the taskbar (when the game is minimized after alt-tab) for this to 
happen. But if you launch HOMM V, alt-tab to minimize the game, and then 
click on the taskbar to restore it, it will remain a black screen 
without this patch (and reverting that commit also fixes it, but breaks 
Project CARS; that commit + this patch fixes both).

With this patch, it only handles this specific case of restoring it by 
clicking on the taskbar: where WM_ACTIVATEAPP has the window still 
minimized (so SetWindowPos is not called), and SC_RESTORE happens after.

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