[PATCH] comctl32/tests: Test LVM_SORTITEMS sorting.

Haoyang Chen chenhaoyang at uniontech.com
Mon Apr 5 21:30:43 CDT 2021

Signed-off-by: Haoyang Chen <chenhaoyang at uniontech.com>
 dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c b/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
index e95b81f5bb1..88a9d518406 100644
--- a/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
+++ b/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
@@ -2921,6 +2921,28 @@ static INT WINAPI test_CallBackCompare(LPARAM first, LPARAM second, LPARAM lPara
     return (first > second ? 1 : -1);
+static INT WINAPI test_CallBackCompare1(LPARAM first, LPARAM second, LPARAM lParam)
+    CHAR str1[5];
+    CHAR str2[5];
+    INT  r;
+    HWND hwnd = (HWND)lParam;
+    LV_ITEMA item = {0};
+    if (first == second) return 0;
+    item.cchTextMax = 5;
+    item.iSubItem = 0;
+    item.pszText = str1;
+    r = SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXTA, first, (LPARAM)&item);
+    expect(TRUE, r);
+    item.pszText = str2;
+    r = SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXTA, second, (LPARAM)&item);
+    expect(TRUE, r);
+    return atoi(str1) > atoi(str2) ? 1 : -1;
 static void test_sorting(void)
     HWND hwnd;
@@ -2929,6 +2951,10 @@ static void test_sorting(void)
     LONG_PTR style;
     static CHAR names[][5] = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "0"};
     CHAR buff[10];
+    static CHAR before_sort_array[][5] = {"6","3","1","4","2"};
+    static CHAR after_sort_arary[][5] = {"1","2","3","4","6"};
+    INT i;
+    LVCOLUMNA lvc;
     hwnd = create_listview_control(LVS_REPORT);
     ok(hwnd != NULL, "failed to create a listview window\n");
@@ -3096,6 +3122,47 @@ static void test_sorting(void)
     expect(TRUE, r);
     ok(lstrcmpA(buff, names[3]) == 0, "Expected '%s', got '%s'\n", names[3], buff);
+	DestroyWindow(hwnd);
+	hwnd = create_listview_control(LVS_REPORT);
+	ok(hwnd != NULL, "failed to create a listview window\n");
+	lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH;
+	lvc.pszText = names[0];
+	lvc.cx = 50;
+	SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA, 0, (LPARAM)&lvc);
+	SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA, 1, (LPARAM)&lvc);
+	item.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_TEXT;
+	item.iSubItem = 0;
+	item.cchTextMax = 5;
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(before_sort_array)/5; i++)
+	{
+	    item.iItem = i;
+	    item.lParam = i;
+	    item.pszText = &before_sort_array[i][0];
+	    r = SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_INSERTITEMA, 0, (LPARAM)&item);
+	    expect(i, r);
+	}
+	r = SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_SORTITEMS, (WPARAM)(LPARAM)hwnd, (LPARAM)test_CallBackCompare1);
+	expect(TRUE, r);
+	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(after_sort_arary)/5; i++)
+	{
+	    CHAR str[5];
+	    item.iItem = i;
+	    item.cchTextMax = 5;
+	    item.iSubItem = 0;
+	    item.pszText = str;
+	    r = SendMessageA(hwnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXTA, i, (LPARAM)&item);
+	    expect(TRUE, r);
+	    expect(atoi(after_sort_arary[i]), atoi(str));
+	}

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