[RFC] A Light Blue theme.

Joshua Ashton joshua at froggi.es
Thu Jun 10 00:34:52 CDT 2021

Looks nice, similar to the theme I made recently (although it wasn't 
msstyles, I just bodged it).

Have you tried making the pseudo-3D-controls flat yet? I did that for 
tabs and other stuff and it ended up looking much more modern.

Hope this gets in, will be nice to not have Windows 98-style controls as 
people's first perception of running Windows apps under Linux.

- Joshie 🐸✨

On 6/10/21 3:49 AM, Zhiyi Zhang wrote:
> Hi Joshua,
> I made a video demo. It's available at https://zzhiyi.github.io/light-theme-demo.webm, as well as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wHYps7dXAU.
> Cheers,
> Zhiyi
> On 6/10/21 1:56 AM, Joshua Ashton wrote:
>> Hi Zhiyi,
>> I'm using GMail and recieved this email now. :-)
>> Would you be able to provide some pictures?
>> I made a Wine theme a little while ago, but it was not MSStyles, rather just some code changes for the regular path and I am curious as to what yours looks like.
>> - Joshie 🐸✨
>> On 6/9/21 4:38 PM, Zhiyi Zhang wrote:
>>> Some gmail users report that they didn't receive this email. It's probably because some virus scanners mistakenly treat light.msstyles
>>> in the zip as a virus or something. So I put the zip at https://zzhiyi.github.io/light.zip as well. Hopefully this email will get through.
>>>    On 6/8/21 11:35 PM, Zhiyi Zhang wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I've been working on theming support for Wine for awhile now. Part of the work is to create a .msstyles file so
>>>> that UI controls can look better instead of that Win95 look. Now I think it has reached a point where it's good
>>>> enough for you to try it.
>>>> The Light Blue theme contains two visual styles. One is Classic Blue and the other is Blue. Classic Blue is a visual
>>>> style that changes only the system colors and doesn't contain any bitmaps for UI controls. So it still uses the
>>>> unthemed rendering code path. Blue is a visual style that contains bitmaps for UI controls so it no longer has that
>>>> Win95-ish look. To install the theme, download attached light.zip and install light.msstyles via winecfg. The
>>>> patches are on top of Wine 6.10 aadcff4. More in development theme work is at https://github.com/zzhiyi/wine/commits/dev,
>>>> For example, hooking nonclient scrollbar in user32 to uxtheme.
>>>> Theming support for Wine still need more fixes. So even with this theme file, some controls may still render
>>>> poorly/incorrectly. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the theming problems I know of. Some of them are HiDPI issues,
>>>> some are because of themed rendering is not implemented. Let me know if you encounter any other issues or have
>>>> suggestions, specifically, regarding the theme file light.msstyles.
>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> Zhiyi
>>>> Known theme issues:
>>>> 1. Themed explorer support is not implemented, so startmenu, taskbar, titlbar are not themed.
>>>> 2. Nonclient area theming support is not implemented.
>>>> 3. Taskdialog theming support is not implemented
>>>> 4. Unthemed system metrics are not restored after disabling theme, e.g., IconTitleFont after disabling theme
>>>> 5. Comctl32 v6 should be loaded in some cases even if there is no comctl32 v6 manifest in applications.
>>>> 6. Winecfg should close current theme before copying a new theme because the name may be the same.
>>>> 7. When using comctl32 v5, scrollbars and dialogs should not be themed.
>>>> 8. Trackbar has wrong background color when themed.
>>>> 9. In Winecfg desktop integration tab, the postion of size updown buttons change after theme changes.
>>>> 10. Spy++ toolbar icons has dots and black artifacts
>>>> 11. Changing theme in winecfg doesn't affect windows in other processes in runtime
>>>> 12. Application title bar is inactive on launch when not using window manager decoration
>>>> 13. Combox button doesn't stay pressed after clicking and moving mouse the the dropdown menu
>>>> 14. Select toolbar in controlspy, resize control spy to a larger size. scrollbar doesn't get repaint
>>>> 15. Treeview in controlspy, expanded Planets still has old background
>>>> 16. Trackbar adding style TBS_BOTH doesn't repaint on Wine, repaints on Windows
>>>> 17. Stutter when moving the thumb of trackbar, even if no theme is active
>>>> 18. EDIT_WM_Paint() should use themed paint.
>>>> 19. Buttons and edits in dialogs  are not themed
>>>> 20. Tooltip ballon shape is incorrect
>>>> 21. Theme may not be updated on wineprefix upgrade.
>>>> Known HiDPI issues:
>>>> 1. Status Bar in control spy v6 when HiDPI is on, the purple triangle doesn't get enough space
>>>> 2. Syslink no address is showed, DPI 192
>>>> 3. Command links no text on HiDPI
>>>> 4. In file selection dialog folder name size is not the same when showed in preview and in selected mode

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