[PATCH v2 4/5] include: Use UINT32 for IVectorView<T> index/size arguments.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Tue Mar 23 13:06:38 CDT 2021

On 3/23/21 6:47 PM, Rémi Bernon wrote:
> On 3/23/21 6:32 PM, Jacek Caban wrote:
>> On 3/23/21 11:23 AM, Rémi Bernon wrote:
>>> diff --git a/include/windows.foundation.collections.idl 
>>> b/include/windows.foundation.collections.idl
>>> index 250f8b9acbe..b0b9430048b 100644
>>> --- a/include/windows.foundation.collections.idl
>>> +++ b/include/windows.foundation.collections.idl
>>> @@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ cpp_quote("#endif")
>>>               ]
>>>               interface IVectorView<T> : IInspectable
>>>               {
>>> -                HRESULT GetAt([in] ULONG index, [out, retval] T 
>>> *value);
>>> -                [propget] HRESULT Size([out, retval] ULONG *value);
>>> -                HRESULT IndexOf([in, optional] T element, [out] 
>>> ULONG *index, [out, retval] BOOLEAN *value);
>>> -                HRESULT GetMany([in] ULONG start_index, [in] ULONG 
>>> items_size, [out] T *items, [out, retval] ULONG *value);
>>> +                HRESULT GetAt([in] UINT32 index, [out, retval] T 
>>> *value);
>>> +                [propget] HRESULT Size([out, retval] UINT32 *value);
>>> +                HRESULT IndexOf([in, optional] T element, [out] 
>>> UINT32 *index, [out, retval] BOOLEAN *value);
>>> +                HRESULT GetMany([in] UINT32 start_index, [in] UINT32 
>>> items_size, [out] T *items, [out, retval] UINT32 *value);
>> Could we just use unsigned int (like Windows SDK does)?
>> Thanks,
>> Jacek
> It seems to be lowering the type to its underlying integral base type in 
> windows.foundation.collections.h, but the generated specialized 
> interfaces (like IVectorView<HSTRING>) have UINT32. Does it really make 
> a difference?

No, in that case that's fine.


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