[RFC PATCH 3/4] winevulkan: Add support for named video resources.

Paul Gofman pgofman at codeweavers.com
Tue May 4 14:56:36 CDT 2021

On 5/4/21 22:39, Derek Lesho wrote:
>> Extending this to objects which aren't resources (e.g. semaphores,
>> fences) is left as an exercise to the reader; it could be done with a
>> separate pair of ioctls or by extending the above structure.
>> I will of course disclaim that I have thought this approach through
>> completely, or that it is the best approach (in particular, I still
>> am inclined to think that server-side management probably isn't that
>> bad)
> Yeah I'm not necessarily opposed to server-side management either, but
> at the very least it seemed to me like it was off the table in 2019. 

I am sorry, I might have not following the topic precisely and my
question might be a bit off, but still, why additional support for the
handles is needed at all? Given the exact replication of related Windows
handles mechanics is not planned?

Can't those handles be just, say, mapping handles with the specific
resource description, fd etc. data filled in and interpreted by the
interested graphic layers?

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