[PATCH v3] winex11.drv: Handle Vulkan surface creation with NULL hwnd.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Fri May 7 05:24:43 CDT 2021


On Mon, 3 May 2021, Paul Gofman wrote:
> +    vr = vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR(vk_physical_device, surface, &count, NULL);

This patch prevents vulkan-1:vulkan from running on cw-rx460 and 
cw-gtx560. Given that these are the only two machines that run 
WineTest on real GPUs it's a bit of a shame :-(


In the cw-gtx560 case it's because it is missing 
vkGetPhysicalDevicePresentRectanglesKHR(). The Windows 10 2009 snapshot 
has the Nividia 391.35 driver and as far as I can tell there is no newer 
version available (I attached the driver's full system information just 
in case).

It would be nice to load it dynamically and optinally skip some tests if 
not available.

I suspect cw-rx460 has the same problem but it's running tests right now 
(it's has Adrenalin 21.4.1 because I updated it last week and of course 
they just released 21.5.1 yesterday!).

Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>
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