[PATCH 1/2] ntdll/tests: Check that creating huge thread stacks should work.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Mon May 10 12:18:47 CDT 2021

Hi Rémi,

Sorry, it seems my last email didn't get sent for some reason.

Anyway, I wanted to say I did a quick test on Windows 10. Setting that 
registry value will make all stacks be allocated from top-down, even the 
main thread's stack (i.e. far above 4 GB).

So it seems that Windows doesn't really treat the stack special here. 
The fact it's allocated below 2G for most apps is due to the side-effect 
of the bottom-up allocation behavior on Windows by default.

The current Wine code probably does that since some apps depend on it, 
but IMO correct fix would be to have all allocations bottom-up like the 
staging patchset, since other apps depend on that.

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