[PATCH v2 1/3] user32/tests: Skip inconsistent OemKeyScan tests on non-us keyboard.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Sat May 15 11:08:02 CDT 2021

On Fri, 14 May 2021, Rémi Bernon wrote:
> FWIW I was confused that the testbot pattern page reports this failure only
> since 05/03.

Looking at the reports before that date shows that this failure did not 
happen then.

> I guess maybe the way the tests are run have changed around that date.

It's possible something changed on fg-deb64*, cw-gtx560* and cw-rx460* 
since they have unattended upgrades. However the TestBot's debiant2 VM 
does not and I did not change anything in that VM around that date (I 
updated vkd3d on 2021-03-02 and added MwmDecor on 2021-05-11).

So the only explanation I can think of is that some other test changed 
on that date, causing this one to start failing [1].

> I could reproduce the same failure when running the tests in winetest since
> Wine 6.7 at least (and it was probably the case even before), although it's
> not marked as failing there:
>   https://test.winehq.org/data/patterns.html#user32:input

I had the same issue with msxml3:domdoc. test.winehq.org showed it 
starting to fail on Linux on 2021-03-25 but it was still crashing even 
when I tried older builds. Eventually it turned out to be an old 
refcounting bug so probably something changed in the build toolchain 
that caused it to crash due to the memory corruption.

[1] When a test mysteriously starts failing on a TestBot Windows VM 
    another possibility is that of a change in the build toolchain used 
    for the official WineTest binary. But for Linux TestBot VMs the 
    TestBot uses its own self-built binaries so that rules out changes 
    in the build toolchain (unless the VM snapshot was changed in which 
    case anything goes).

Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

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