[PATCH v2 3/3] winevulkan: Implement VK_EXT_external_memory_win32.

Georg Lehmann dadschoorse at gmail.com
Tue May 18 16:03:40 CDT 2021

On 18.05.21 22:28, Derek Lesho wrote:
> On 5/18/21 12:21 PM, Georg Lehmann wrote:+VkResult WINAPI 
> wine_vkCreateBuffer(VkDevice device, const VkBufferCreateInfo *create_info,
>>> +    const VkAllocationCallbacks *allocator, VkBuffer *buffer)
>>> +{
>>> +    VkExternalMemoryBufferCreateInfo *external_memory_info;
>>> +    VkBufferCreateInfo create_info_dup;
>> Why do we need this? Couldn't you just call 
>> convert_VkBufferCreateInfo_struct_chain on create_info_host directly?
> No, convert_<type>_struct_chain doesn't accept _host output structs.

But they doesn't use anything but sType and pNext. So you might es well 
just reinterpret cast. Not that this would be pretty, but having a 
separate struct just to make the types match seems a bit silly imo.

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