[PATCH 6/7] mshtml: Implement inline attributes parsing for createElement.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 12:55:03 CDT 2021

Ok so, I actually can't seem to solve this using either suggestion.

First, Node.cloneNode seems to copy the entire element, unless I'm 
missing something. But what I need is to clone just the attributes of 
the DUMMYTAG element into the proper element, for example:

Input: <div test="a">
What happens:

   SetInnerHTML('<body><dummytag test="a"/></body>')
   Create a "div" element, and copy all attrs (test) from dummytag to it
   Return the "div" element, which now has the "test" attribute

How can I do this with cloneNode since it must copy to different element 

Now the second suggestion: if I use SetInnerHTML directly to the parsed 
tag element, it will fail to work for some of the html elements. I 
notice that the html element then contains <head> and <body> already, 
even if it just parses a div.

I figured I could search for <body> and then get its child. But that's 
not gonna work for some of those pre-defined elements. How can I handle 
a <head>, <body> or <html> element parse in such situation?

Do you have any ideas?


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