libFAudio-dev -build requirement

Sveinar Søpler cybermax at
Tue Nov 2 04:09:57 CDT 2021


I see now as of wine-devel-6.20, wine is built with /libs/faudio source as PE. I know the overall plan is to get distro's to provide the PE packages, but i would think this is still a bit ahead in time (atleast for some distro's) 

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libs: Import code from upstream FAudio 21.10. 
xaudio: Use the bundled FAudio and build with msvcrt. 

Does this mean that libFAudio-dev requirement for package build on OBS can be dropped? Distro(s) in question is then Debian/Ubuntu, and packages would be wine-devel-6.21+ and wine-staging-6.21+ 

The note on libFAudio-21.11 also sais this: 

Deprecated Features: 

* GStreamer support is now deprecated. 
o Wine users should migrate to 6.20 and newer, and everyone else 
should move to codecs that are not patent-encumbered. 
o GStreamer support will be fully removed in the first release 
after Wine 7.0. 

Removed Features: 

* Removed the C++ wrapper. Use the headers/PE binaries found in Wine 
6.20 and newer. 

PS. I am aware that would still be required for < wine-devel/staging-6.19 and wine-stable-6.0, but the above would (to me) indicate that configure no longer checks for the systemlib development package, and thus build-depends: libFAudio-dev could be dropped when building packages. 

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