[PATCH v3 2/3] mshtml: Implement inline attributes parsing for createElement.

Gabriel Ivăncescu gabrielopcode at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 08:46:13 CDT 2021

I thought of another idea, which I don't think is necessarily better, 
but maybe it's worth a thought.

We could iterate through a bunch of root context tags, namely 
<template>, <head> and <html> in that order, then use setInnerHTML on 
them and retrieve the first child, until we get a child and then use 
that if we did.

I guess <html> context might be tricky here, since it can be either 
<head> or <body> tag that is parsed, might need some special casing (and 
retrieve either first or second child in such case, perhaps we can just 
check the first letter since other tags should already work in either 
<template> or <head> themselves—so would have been filtered already).

Just an idea. Is it worth pursuing?

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