[PATCH v3 2/3] mshtml: Implement inline attributes parsing for createElement.

Jacek Caban jacek at codeweavers.com
Mon Nov 8 12:46:34 CST 2021

On 11/7/21 2:38 PM, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> On 06/11/2021 21:19, Jacek Caban wrote:
>> On 11/6/21 2:46 PM, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
>>> I thought of another idea, which I don't think is necessarily 
>>> better, but maybe it's worth a thought.
>>> We could iterate through a bunch of root context tags, namely 
>>> <template>, <head> and <html> in that order, then use setInnerHTML 
>>> on them and retrieve the first child, until we get a child and then 
>>> use that if we did.
>>> I guess <html> context might be tricky here, since it can be either 
>>> <head> or <body> tag that is parsed, might need some special casing 
>>> (and retrieve either first or second child in such case, perhaps we 
>>> can just check the first letter since other tags should already work 
>>> in either <template> or <head> themselves—so would have been 
>>> filtered already).
>>> Just an idea. Is it worth pursuing?
>> The whole thing is still too hacky, in my opinion. If we can't get 
>> Gecko to do what we need, maybe we need to do parsing ourselves. 
>> Given that we only need to parse a small subset of HTML, it shouldn't 
>> be too bad and all we need from Gecko is createElement() and 
>> setAttribute().
>> Thanks,
>> Jacek
> Hi Jacek,
> I think parsing it ourselves might be somewhat complicated, because of 
> stuff like the HTML escapes (e.g. " " & and so on), which 
> would have to be handled as the tests show.
> A mixed way would be a simpler version of the first patch that goes 
> roughly like the following. For this case, let's assume we want to 
> create the <body a="b"> element, so:
> The first two steps are needed regardless of whether we parse it 
> ourselves or not:
> 1) Parse its tag name ("body")
> 2) Create a <body> element
> Then:
> 3) Create a <template> element, and setInnerHTML to <foo a="b">
> 4) Get its first child
> 5) Loop through all attributes on the child and set them on the 
> element we created in (2)
> This is pretty much like first patch but simplified to <template> and 
> allows gecko to parse it for us.
> Do you think it's feasible? If not, do you have some suggestions how I 
> should implement the escapes? I guess a table? 

Yeah, it's a bit better. It's not perfect, but it should work.



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