[PATCH v2 1/2] server: Wait for process exit more often and using increasing delay.

Rémi Bernon rbernon at codeweavers.com
Wed Nov 10 13:58:27 CST 2021

On 11/10/21 20:23, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
> Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com> writes:
>> Instead of waiting for 1s before considering it dead, when most of the
>> time the process dies quickly, delaying desktop or wineserver shutdown.
>> This saves ~2s on the prefix shutdown time, as measured with:
>>    time bash -c 'wine cmd /c exit |& tee /dev/null'
> Note that the fact that server shutdown is not immediate is on purpose,
> it's mean to avoid repeated startups/shutdowns when running multiple
> apps in sequence. There may be margin for improvement, but making the
> shutdown faster shouldn't be a goal in itself.

Sure and I understand that, yet I think the delay is not completely 
controlled and instead spread out over a few things that participate to it.

I think wineserver master socket timeout (and its kill timeout), and the 
desktop close timeout, should be the parameters we use to decide when to 
shutdown, and once it's decided it should be quick.

Currently it both depends on them but also on some additional implicit 
delays which are removed by these two patches.
Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>

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