[PATCH 1/3] wined3d: Test if a nudge is needed to get the correct filling convention.

Stefan Dösinger stefandoesinger at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 13:34:29 CDT 2021

Am Donnerstag, 16. September 2021, 15:28:28 EAT schrieb Henri Verbeet:

> It's perhaps worth explicitly initialising "filling_convention_nudge"
> in wined3d_adapter_vk_init_d3d_info() as well, perhaps with a comment
> to explain why we're using 0.0f there.

Sounds like a good idea yeah.

> Would it make sense to do a binary search here instead of trying every
> value? (Similar to what we do in
> wined3d_adapter_find_polyoffset_scale())

Between 1/64 and 1/1024 it might. I don't want to search the space between 
1/1024 and 0 for the reason I explained in some comment (unpredictability wrt 
to other viewport dimensions). For the 5 non-zero values we're testing I don't 
know if it makes any difference in practise. Yeah I know cache locality isn't a 
concern here because we're not searching memory contents :-) .

Though for clarity: Do you suggest searching non-power-of-two values too? I am 
not sure if that will give us anything of use. I've avoided them because I 
expect powers of two to be more reliable re rounding when we add them to 
actual geometry positions.

> Can the driver force multi-sampling on us here? My understanding was
> that generally speaking those controls only affect the backbuffer, and
> not FBOs; that was part of the reason for having the "SampleCount"
> registry setting.

I think at least the nvidia drivers try to be smarter than "just make the 
backbuffer multisampled", although I haven't played with nvidia-settings' 
multisample setting in years. (At some point turning on driver multisampling 
would break FBO blits from backbuffer to a texture, at least that got fixed 

"Enable multisampling by user request" is a common enough mode for the driver 
to ignore our request that it feels worth mentioning in this context. It is a 
rather fundamental change to rasterization...

> Do we really need a FIXME for that? Getting e.g. a bottom-right result
> would perhaps be unexpected, but it doesn't seem particularly
> concerning.

A *-right result is the most obvious case, but I also saw the MacOS driver 
completely discard the test draw at certain magic offsets (1^-24.5 or something 
along those lines if I remember right); The top edge wasn't yet on the pixel 
but the bottom edge was already moved away.

Bottom line, we'd potentially apply a nudge for the wrong reason. The nudge 
can break things just as much as fix things. Seems worthy of a FIXME to me.

I am persuadable to returning TRUE in case of an unexpected result. That way 
we'd either not apply a quirk if things go wrong or just apply too small a 
nudge (if we keep the linear search). In that case I am less invested in the 
FIXME, but we'd depart more from the current behaviour.
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