[PATCH] ntdll: Optimize memcpy for x86-64.

Jinoh Kang jinoh.kang.kr at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 08:35:06 CDT 2022

On 4/2/22 12:39, Elaine Lefler wrote:
> Looking into the code duplication some more: msvcrt links with ntdll,
> so it seems the simplest solution is to remove the functions from
> msvcrt, which will cause the ntdll versions to be called.

Have you checked with Windows ntdll.dll?
Note that some apps might actually use memcpy/... from ntdll and not msvcrt.  If Windows supports them, so should we.

> It's not as clean as I'd like, though. Some of the functions are
> better in msvcrt, so they should be backported, and others can't be
> moved at all. This isn't the only source of duplication either. For
> instance, math.c seems to be full of duplicates, but I don't even want
> to touch that...

Maybe use PARENTSRC?

> If upstream typically doesn't like this kind of patch, maybe I should
> resubmit after I've developed an AVX2 patch as well? That would
> provide a much more convincing argument for speed, compared to the
> current patch which is fairly marginal.

Jinoh Kang

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