WinRt activable class registration

Kacper rączy gfw.kra at
Tue Aug 9 08:34:18 CDT 2022

Hi everyone,

First of all, I’m not really familiar with Windows dev environment and tools outside of wine.
I’m building custom implementation of some Windows Runtime modules (separate project outside of wine-tree). Similarly to windows.gaming.input in wine, I’ve created classes.idl with `#pragma makedep register`, and using widl to compile it into classes_r.res script file. Then I’m using windres to convert to coff and link it against my dll. Then the runtime classes implemented by dll have to registered. So far I was adding registry entries with DllPath manually in regedit (in HKLM.Software.Microsoft.WindowsRuntime.ActivatableClassId.[CLASS_NAME]) for testing purposes, because I don’t really know how utilize registration script that’s already embedded in dll.

So my question is, how do I register Dll for activable winrt classes? Is there a tool for that?

Thanks, Kacper Rączy

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