[PATCH] ntdll: Only call wine exception handlers on the current stack.

Paul Gofman pgofman at codeweavers.com
Tue Feb 1 06:57:42 CST 2022

On 2/1/22 15:49, Rémi Bernon wrote:
> On 2/1/22 13:25, Paul Gofman wrote:
>> On 2/1/22 14:54, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
>>> Am 31.01.22 um 16:24 schrieb Rémi Bernon:
>>>> MK11 creates an alternate stack and sometimes throws an exception 
>>>> which
>>>> gets incorrectly handled by a Wine exception handler, causing the game
>>>> to crash.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>
>>>> ---
>>>>   dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c | 4 +++-
>>>>   1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>>> diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c b/dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c
>>>> index 7e77329363c..36985832e4a 100644
>>>> --- a/dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c
>>>> +++ b/dlls/ntdll/signal_x86_64.c
>>>> @@ -463,7 +463,9 @@ static NTSTATUS call_stack_handlers( 
>>>> EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec, CONTEXT *orig_contex
>>>>               }
>>>>           }
>>>>           /* hack: call wine handlers registered in the tib list */
>>>> -        else while ((ULONG64)teb_frame < context.Rsp)
>>>> +        else while ((ULONG64)teb_frame < context.Rsp &&
>>>> +                    (ULONG64)teb_frame >= 
>>>> (ULONG64)NtCurrentTeb()->Tib.StackLimit &&
>>>> +                    (ULONG64)teb_frame <= 
>>>> (ULONG64)NtCurrentTeb()->Tib.StackBase)
>>>>           {
>>>>               TRACE_(seh)( "found wine frame %p rsp %p handler %p\n",
>>>>                            teb_frame, (void *)context.Rsp, 
>>>> teb_frame->Handler );
>>> I am not sure but this seems kind of similar to what I think I found in
>>> this bug: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52159
>> Yes, that looks quite similar. All these fix attempts workaround the 
>> problem where it is first visibly hit (calling wrong handler) but 
>> ignore what may happen to these handlers after. What if the app, e. 
>> g., switches stack back? And RtlUnwindEx()?
>> Actually the majority of Wine __TRY blocks should have rather low 
>> chances to hit app's stack switch in between the handler is installed 
>> and removed (unless the app is doing something really fun with 
>> hotpatching). Those IsBad..Ptr(), a bunch of cases when the parameter 
>> access is wrapped into __TRY, OutputDebugString() are not much likely 
>> to hit such an issue. There are relatively few __TRY blocks which 
>> embrace application functions: calling thread func, calling DLL entry 
>> points, exception handlers calls in signal_x86_64.c (and maybe I 
>> missed some). Since you probably hit the issue with Proton that is 
>> not the nested exception handlers as those in Proton already have 
>> manual asm wrappers to use straightforward x64 .seh handling and 
>> don't install Teb handlers. If maybe there are just one or two of 
>> other "global" handlers which are problematic maybe it worth solving 
>> the issue with some sort of manual .seh specifically for those ones?
> In the case of MK11, the wine handler is the one installed by 
> RtlUserThreadStart.

Yes, RtlUserThreadStart() is the one which will always be there. So if 
we replace that single one with an asm wrapper (and there is already a 
wrapper for i386) we will likely solve the big share of practical issues 
in a straightforward way. I can make such a patch (unless you want to do 
it?). Not sure though if that is good enough though, the prior 
understanding was that these sort of fixes are waiting for mingw .seh 

I suppose MK11 will work this way (e. g., works with just removing __TRY 
in RtlUserThreadStart())?

> I don't see anywhere any clue about how the thread is switching 
> stacks, it just happens to use alternate stacks after a while, and has 
> actually quite a few different stacks, probably re-implementing its 
> own fibers (it doesn't call SwitchToFiber).
> When they switch stacks they don't change the ExceptionList pointer 
> though (probably as I understand it because it's not supposed to be 
> used on Win64), so it's always ultimately pointing to the initial 
> handler on the initial stack.
Yes, sure, they should not, ExceptionList on x64 is a Wine thing.

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