[PATCH 1/5] winepulse.drv: Expose audio devices to the application.

Huw Davies huw at codeweavers.com
Wed Feb 9 09:26:31 CST 2022

On Wed, Feb 09, 2022 at 04:10:54PM +0200, Gabriel Ivăncescu wrote:
> This exposes the actual devices (and virtual sinks/sources) as reported by
> PulseAudio to an application, allowing it to select the devices itself and,
> for example, record from (or render to) two devices at the same time. The
> "PulseAudio" device (which is movable) is still the default, as before.
> It keeps a list of the devices on the unixlib side, which then stores the
> device type, pulse name and display (friendly) name into the registry,
> for persistent settings of an app to identify the device by guid. The
> keys are stored under HKLM\Software\Wine\Drivers\winepulse.drv\devices,
> with the following format:
>   <type>,<pulse device name>
> Where <type> is a single character, which is either 0 (for output/sinks)
> or 1 (for input/sources), and <pulse device name> is the device name that
> PulseAudio uses to identify the device. The "name" value is stored under
> this key which is the display name of the device. When enumerating the
> devices, the "name" is taken and a GUID is generated if it's missing or
> invalid under the "guid" value of the same key; this preserves the GUID
> for the same device unless the registry key is cleaned.
> Based on a patch by Mark Harmstone <mark at harmstone.com>, with changes by
> Sebastian Lackner <sebastian at fds-team.de>.

Why are you storing this in the registry?  It would likely be simpler
to add a get_endpoint_ids() syscall.  See the core audio driver for an


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