[PATCH vkd3d 1/6] vkd3d-shader/hlsl: Properly free parse_variable_def memory in declare_vars().

Giovanni Mascellani gmascellani at codeweavers.com
Thu Feb 24 14:04:23 CST 2022


Il 24/02/22 15:07, Matteo Bruni ha scritto:
> Splitting off the function or otherwise simplifying the code are
> options on the table, sure. It's not that clear to me how to do that
> in a sensible manner though (not that I tried very hard to think about
> it).

I gave my proposal in 
Basically, the idea is to always free the fields of struct 
parse_variable_def in a single function, appropriately marking those 
that have reused elsewhere (for example setting them to NULL) to avoid 
freeing stuff that is still in use.


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