[PATCH] wdscore: Implement CurrentIP.

Jinoh Kang jinoh.kang.kr at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 08:07:09 CST 2022

On 1/14/22 14:31, Mohamad Al-Jaf wrote:
> I'm testing it out in Windows to get a sense of what it does. Here's my code in C++, let me know if it's incorrect:
>     typedef int (*CurrentIP)();
>     HMODULE hDLL = LoadLibraryA("wdscore.dll");
>     CurrentIP ip = (CurrentIP)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "CurrentIP");
>     std::cout << "CurrentIP() = " << ip() << "\n";
>     FreeLibrary(hDLL);
> It returns random numbers, e.g. 10424371, 1249331, 6033459. So doesn't this mean it's returning the instruction pointer?

A more likely scenario is that the code address is changing from one invocation to another.

Try compiling with "/LINK /DYNAMICBASE:NO" (in MSVC) or "-no-pie" (in GCC/MinGW).

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_space_layout_randomization, and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_executable.

Jinoh Kang

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