How to propagate Linux device ready for read FD state to Wine proxy WDM driver

Pavel Pisa pisa at
Tue Jul 19 02:48:01 CDT 2022

Dear wine developers,

I monitor from time to time Wine development state.
I have significant interrest to use it for our
open-source chromatography processing and control
system CHROMuLAN .
It runs well under wine for years except for minor
problem with excessive size of new analysis setup
dialog, it is old Delphi 6 app. If somebody is willing
to look at it I give more information or setup issue.

But uLAN driver access is required to control real devices
and acquire data

Driver is available in source form from 1996 year and
it has been developed and is maintained on GNU/Linux system
but with CHROMuLAN windows build from the same sources
is used from Windows NT 3.5 days.

I have idea in 2013 year to try implement proxy driver
which allows to access native Linux kernel driver from
Windows application. I have found at that time that
Wine protocol is able to deliver data between wine server
driver and application only for IOCTLs, read and write
calls has not been implemented for device driver file
handle type and I have documented problem on WineHQ list

But when I looked into latest Wine sources I have noticed,
that it should not be problem anymore. So I have cleaned
from the dust old experiment and updated it for actual
Wine. Linux driver interaction has been separated from
WDM proxy part and marked (ul_l_drv.c)

  #if 0
  #pragma makedep unix

unix calls conversion has been added (ul_l_exports.c)

  const unixlib_entry_t __wine_unix_call_funcs[] =

and real WDM has been used as base for the proxy
driver (ul_drv.c, device.c). Both originally based
on some Wine driver to emulate disk and other behavior.
The code is available there

and it works with whole CHROMuLAN system. Yes, there
is lot of space for cleanups, service is started
in manual mode unconditionally etc..

  [System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\ul_drv] 1658091793

etc... There is one missing feature and it is wait for arrival
of the new messages without periodic polling. It is easy on
Linux side, select, poll, epoll can be used for ready for read.

In Windows world select does not work for device drivers
so IOCTL is used which marks IoMarkIrpPending, then user can
wait for associated overlapped event for example by WaitForSingleObject.

I have implemented logic in Wine proxy driver and IRP is marked
by IoMarkIrpPending, cancellation and all other stuff seems
to work. But I need somehow bind event on Linux native file descriptor
which is maintained in makedep unix with some way to mark
corresponding IRP in Windows driver part as complete


What are the options? Should, can I can start service thread
in makedep unix part and call IoCompleteRequest from there?
In the fact I would prefer even more only register callback
in the Wise server main loop which would be called when
Linux device file descriptor is ready to read.
Is there some example how to do something like that?
What are locking requirements and limitations?

It is more for curiosity now, we experimental port
to FPC/Lazarus which runs on Linux and Windows now,
but on the other hand there are still some features
missing in that build, Lazarus with Gtk does not
implement MDI in really usable form etc...
So there is still some potential for this and other
applications using uLAN to be run under Wine.

Thanks for your time and best wishes,

                Pavel Pisa
    phone:      +420 603531357
    e-mail:     pisa at
    Department of Control Engineering FEE CVUT
    Karlovo namesti 13, 121 35, Prague 2
    CAN related:
    RISC-V education:
    Open Technologies Research Education and Exchange Services

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