Test system for the Widl compiler

Zebediah Figura zfigura at codeweavers.com
Wed Jun 15 13:04:26 CDT 2022

On 6/15/22 12:49, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
> On 6/15/22 18:20, Bernhard Kölbl wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> during the course of implementing WinRT / UWP stuff, I regularly come
>> across missing IDL 3.0 features in our Widl compiler.
>> Unfortunately, Widl's code seems to have grown in a rater unpleasant
>> direction and is sometimes a real burden to understand and maintain. I
>> think some refactoring to its code would be very well fitting and make
>> things a lot easier for everyone, but refactoring can also bring
>> breakage and makes tracking down errors with Git harder. Additionally,
>> as the code is already not that small, errors have an easy way to slip
>> in without noticing.
>> So to me, the ideal solution seems to add a testing system to the
>> compiler, like most of Wine's components already have.
>> Rémi and I already outlined some ideas:
>> - Port the Winetest system to Unix programs
>> - Make a libwidl or Widl.exe and test against that with our current 
>> test system
>> - Add the tests into Widl itself as callable parameter
>> What do you think is the best solution?
>> Getting some suggestions would be great. :)
> There are options. First it depends whether you want to validate against 
> midl or not. If you do then you'll need something like widl.exe to run 
> on Windows.
> Next question is what your test data would be, and how to compare the 
> output reliably with expected output. For example we don't really need 
> exact matching for generated headers, or even marshaling format strings, 
> as long as they achieve their purpose. For typelibs however, it might be 
> useful to go for exact binary match of selected sections.

We already have tests for typelibs and marshalling, in oleaut32:typelib 
and oleaut32:tmarshal respectively. I see no reason that's not 
sufficient already.

As far as headers are concerned, we could probably take a similar 
approach in some ways. I don't know what exactly needs testing, but we 
could do things like

ok(offsetof(mystruct.field) == 16,
         "wrong offset %u\n", offsetof(mystruct.field));

or (for a compile-time assertion)

extern void test(ITestInterface *obj)
     HRESULT (*myfunc)(type1 arg1, type2 *arg2, ...);

     myfunc = obj->lpVtbl->myfunc;

Ultimately we may not need to mess with widl, or write any extra test 

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