[PATCH 0/1] MR132: opengl32: Don't prioritize low bit depth formats with non-matching stencil.

Matteo Bruni (@Mystral) wine at gitlab.winehq.org
Mon Jun 20 17:37:45 CDT 2022

On Mon Jun 20 22:00:21 2022 +0000, Matteo Bruni wrote:
> It seems pretty clear and reasonable to me actually. It looks like
> ChoosePixelFormat() returns a pixel format with stencil bits when
> requested so. Matching depth bits comes at a lower priority.
> As it turns out, the only actual pixel format with stencil bits that's
> supported everywhere is D24S8. D32S8 is apparently supported on Windows
> AMD, but not on Windows Nvidia. FWIW Linux AMD doesn't return any D32
> visual / fbconfig at all.
> I'm attaching some more changes on top of yours:
> [choosepixelformat.txt](/uploads/b892cfcd3cb9fb13f8eee3ab81b2ddfb/choosepixelformat.txt).
> Basically I swapped the two blocks for stencil and depth in
> wglChoosePixelFormat(), making sure we take care of stencil before
> checking depth.
Also adding the output of the tests on Windows Nvidia after my patch.



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