[PATCH 0/4] MR286: nsiproxy.sys: Add static ARP entries which are always present on Windows.

Huw Davies (@huw) wine at gitlab.winehq.org
Tue Jun 21 02:15:59 CDT 2022

Huw Davies (@huw) commented about dlls/iphlpapi/iphlpapi_main.c:
>  static int ipnetrow_cmp( const void *a, const void *b )
>  {
>      const MIB_IPNETROW *rowA = a, *rowB = b;
> +
> +    if (rowA->dwIndex != rowB->dwIndex) return rowA->dwIndex < rowB->dwIndex ? -1 : 1;
> +
Please use `DWORD_cmp()` here.

Could you push just the first three patches to this MR - the fourth will require a bit more thought so please create a new MR for that.


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