[PATCH 2/3] conhost: Only create the new console font once

Hugh McMaster hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com
Tue Mar 1 05:37:01 CST 2022

Signed-off-by: Hugh McMaster <hugh.mcmaster at outlook.com>
 programs/conhost/window.c | 27 +++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/conhost/window.c b/programs/conhost/window.c
index 9fc310f3111..e408a9830e1 100644
--- a/programs/conhost/window.c
+++ b/programs/conhost/window.c
@@ -1206,6 +1206,7 @@ struct dialog_info
     struct console        *console;
     struct console_config  config;
     HWND                   dialog;      /* handle to active propsheet */
+    HFONT                  hfont;
     int                    font_count;  /* number of fonts */
     struct dialog_font_info
@@ -1571,7 +1572,6 @@ static int WINAPI font_enum_size( const LOGFONTW *lf, const TEXTMETRICW *tm,
 static BOOL select_font( struct dialog_info *di )
-    struct console_config config;
     int font_idx, size_idx;
     HFONT font, old_font;
     DWORD_PTR args[2];
@@ -1588,19 +1588,20 @@ static BOOL select_font( struct dialog_info *di )
     fill_logfont( &lf, di->font[size_idx].faceName,
                   wcslen(di->font[size_idx].faceName) * sizeof(WCHAR),
                   di->font[size_idx].height, di->font[size_idx].weight );
-    font = select_font_config( &config, di->console->output_cp, di->console->win, &lf );
+    font = select_font_config( &di->config, di->console->output_cp, di->console->win, &lf );
     if (!font) return FALSE;
-    if (config.cell_height != di->font[size_idx].height)
-        TRACE( "mismatched heights (%u<>%u)\n", config.cell_height, di->font[size_idx].height );
+    if (di->config.cell_height != di->font[size_idx].height)
+        TRACE( "mismatched heights (%u<>%u)\n", di->config.cell_height, di->font[size_idx].height );
     old_font = (HFONT)SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_PREVIEW, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 );
     SendDlgItemMessageW( di->dialog, IDC_FNT_PREVIEW, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, TRUE );
+    di->hfont = font;
     if (old_font) DeleteObject( old_font );
     LoadStringW( GetModuleHandleW(NULL), IDS_FNT_DISPLAY, fmt, ARRAY_SIZE(fmt) );
-    args[0] = config.cell_width;
-    args[1] = config.cell_height;
+    args[0] = di->config.cell_width;
+    args[1] = di->config.cell_height;
                     fmt, 0, 0, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), (__ms_va_list*)args );
@@ -1702,18 +1703,7 @@ static INT_PTR WINAPI font_dialog_proc( HWND dialog, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LP
                 di->dialog = dialog;
             case PSN_APPLY:
-                val = SendDlgItemMessageW( dialog, IDC_FNT_LIST_SIZE, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 );
-                if (val < di->font_count)
-                {
-                    LOGFONTW lf;
-                    fill_logfont( &lf, di->font[val].faceName,
-                                  wcslen(di->font[val].faceName) * sizeof(WCHAR),
-                                  di->font[val].height, di->font[val].weight );
-                    DeleteObject( select_font_config( &di->config, di->console->output_cp,
-                                                      di->console->win, &lf ));
-                }
+                DeleteObject( di->hfont );
                 val = (GetWindowLongW( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_FNT_COLOR_BK ), 0 ) << 4) |
                     GetWindowLongW( GetDlgItem( dialog, IDC_FNT_COLOR_FG ), 0 );
                 di->config.attr = val;
@@ -1980,6 +1970,7 @@ static BOOL config_dialog( struct console *console, BOOL current )
     prev_config = di.config;
     di.font_count = 0;
     di.font = NULL;
+    di.hfont = NULL;
     wndclass.style         = 0;
     wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = font_preview_proc;

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