[PATCH] widl: Support basic char type

Rémi Bernon rbernon at codeweavers.com
Thu Mar 3 04:06:12 CST 2022

On 3/3/22 10:46, Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:
> Hi Remi,
> Attached are the next two in the series that requires this one.
> Maybe its the BYTE, that getting translated into to wrong type somewhere.
> Regards
> Alistair

Yes, it looks like BYTE should translate to u1 (and then maybe INT8 is 
incorrectly translated), and it also looks like it should:

1) be declared "typedef byte BYTE;", instead of "typedef unsigned char 
BYTE;" in wtypes.idl,

2) somehow be translated to lowercase "byte" in the type name mangling, 
otherwise they will all be incorrect.

Although for 2) it's not clear to me where this comes from. Other 
typedefed names keep their typedef names in the type name mangling. 
Maybe it's something builtin MIDL, would need a bit of investigation anyway.

Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>

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