[PATCH 1/5 v2] cmd/tests: Add tests for the magic environment variables.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Fri Mar 25 10:15:21 CDT 2022

Signed-off-by: Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>
- Some locales add the day-of-week before the date. Adjust the tests 
- Add more for %cd%, %errorlevel%, defined, tests.
- Compare date /t with %date%, and time /t with %time%.
- Modify the tests so they work with @todo_wine at .

 programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd     | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
 programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp | 15 ++++++++-
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
index 3f410e55166..f9e26da34b6 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
+++ b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
@@ -585,7 +585,6 @@ cd dummydir
 echo %~dp0
 cd ..
 rmdir dummydir
-echo CD value %CD%
 echo %%
 echo P%
 echo %P
@@ -1789,6 +1788,44 @@ set /a WINE_foo=5
 set /a WINE_bar=WINE_foo=6
 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 WINE_bar 6
+echo --- Magic environment variables
+if defined cd (echo Has %%cd%%) else (echo Not defined)
+echo CD value %CD%
+rem Some locales include the day-of-week either before or after the
+rem day-month-year part. This makes it impossible to check the content of %date%
+if defined date (echo Has %%date%%) else (echo Not defined)
+set WINE_foo=%date:~9,1%
+if defined WINE_foo (echo Good %%date%%) else (echo Too short)
+set WINE_before=%date%
+for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`date /t`) do set WINE_foo=%%i
+set WINE_after=%date%
+rem Use extra parentheses to work around a Wine bug
+if not "%WINE_foo%"=="%WINE_before% " (if not "%WINE_foo%"=="%WINE_after% " (echo date /t != %%date%%) else (echo Match)) else (echo Match)
+if defined errorlevel (echo Has %%errorlevel%%) else (echo Not defined)
+if defined time (echo Has %%time%%) else (echo Not defined)
+set WINE_foo=%time:~7,1%
+if defined WINE_foo (echo %%time%% has seconds) else (echo Too short)
+set WINE_foo=%time:~10,1%
+if defined WINE_foo (echo %%time%% has 1/100s) else (echo Too short)
+set WINE_foo=%time:~11,1%
+if not defined WINE_foo (echo End of %%time%%) else (echo Too long)
+rem %time% has a leading space instead of a zero so ignore the first character
+set WINE_before=%time:~1,4%
+for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (`time /t`) do set WINE_foo=%%i
+set WINE_after=%time:~1,4%
+set WINE_foo=%WINE_foo:~1,99%
+rem Use extra parentheses to work around a Wine bug
+if not "%WINE_foo%"=="%WINE_before%" (if not "%WINE_foo%"=="%WINE_after%" (echo time /t != %%time:~1,4%%) else (echo Match)) else (echo Match)
+if defined random (echo Has %%random%%) else (echo Not defined)
+set WINE_foo=%random%
+if %WINE_foo% neq %random% (echo %%random%% looks random) else (echo Constant?)
 echo --- for /F
 mkdir foobar & cd foobar
 echo ------ string argument
diff --git a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
index 8b6e0914112..15fda131a5c 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
+++ b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
@@ -500,7 +500,6 @@ I'm here!@space@
 ~dp0 should be directory containing batch file
-CD value @pwd@@or_broken at CD value at space@
@@ -1216,6 +1215,20 @@ WINE_foo correctly 7
 WINE_foo correctly 8 at or_broken@ERROR: WINE_foo incorrectly 4 [8]
 WINE_foo correctly 6 at or_broken@ERROR: WINE_foo incorrectly 5 [6]
 WINE_bar correctly 6 at or_broken@ERROR: WINE_bar incorrectly 5 [6]
+--- Magic environment variables
+ at todo_wine@Has %cd%
+CD value @pwd@@or_broken at CD value at space@
+ at todo_wine@Has %date%
+ at todo_wine@Good %date%
+ at todo_wine@Match
+ at todo_wine@Has %errorlevel%
+ at todo_wine@Has %time%
+ at todo_wine@%time% has seconds
+ at todo_wine@%time% has 1/100s
+End of %time%
+ at todo_wine@Match
+ at todo_wine@Has %random%
+%random% looks random
 --- for /F
 ------ string argument

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