[PATCH 0/5] MR61: winegstreamer: Dynamic transform stream format change support.

Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) wine at gitlab.winehq.org
Thu May 12 12:12:07 CDT 2022

On Thu May 12 16:42:57 2022 +0000, **** wrote:
> Zebediah Figura replied on the mailing list:
> ```
> On 5/12/22 03:15, Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) wrote:
> > Compared to last attempt, I moved the format pointer to a dedicated
> `wg_transform_read_data` parameter instead of a property of the sample.
> Most of the transforms use `NULL` there as they don't expect or support
> format change. H264 decoder passes a transform format member where it
> tracks the current stream format.
> > 
> I'm sorry, but I still don't see why the wg_transform object needs to 
> store the previous format. It may not make the API any more complex to 
> you, but conceptually I find it more complex, and I'd rather avoid 
> maintaining that complexity.
> What is it that makes "peeking" for a sample untenable, or buffering it 
> on the client side?
> ```
> I'm sorry, but I still don't see why the wg_transform object needs to 
> store the previous format. It may not make the API any more complex to 
> you, but conceptually I find it more complex, and I'd rather avoid 
> maintaining that complexity.

The `wg_transform` doesn't store the current format, it keeps the
format of each buffer it queues.

> What is it that makes "peeking" for a sample untenable, or buffering it 
> on the client side?

There's no really such thing as "peeking" when `read_data` also pushes
the input buffers, and when output presense also depends on it. Unless
of course you consider that peeking should do that first, in which case
it's not really just peeking.

Then, like I previously described, to be able to implement zero copy,
we will need to have a buffer ready for the decoder to write to, before
we generate any output, and so before we push the input data.

The buffer we will want to write to is the buffer that the MF transform
user has given us, and we shouldn't write to it if the buffer format
changes. In that particular case, yes, we will have to buffer the data
instead, but that's the only case where we want to do it.

If "peeking" does everything because it has to (prepares output buffer,
pushes input data, check whether output has been produced or if format
has changed), it's not really just peeking anymore and it's exactly and
everything that `read_data` is going to do.


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