[PATCH v2 0/6] MR61: winegstreamer: Dynamic transform stream format change support.

Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) wine at gitlab.winehq.org
Tue May 17 00:36:34 CDT 2022

On Tue May 17 03:55:09 2022 +0000, **** wrote:
> Zebediah Figura replied on the mailing list:
> ```
> On 5/13/22 04:48, Rémi Bernon wrote:
> > From: Rémi Bernon <rbernon at codeweavers.com>
> > 
> > This is only temporary, to make the tests results more consistent with
> > both vaapi and libav plugins.
> This is probably reasonable, but somewhat out of curiosity, what's the 
> underlying issue?
> ```
As far as the test goes, you can in theory change the output format, and as long as there's been enough input buffer previously pushed, get new output sample in the new format without pushing anything more. This wouldn't be possible with a pipelined videoconvert as all the decoder output buffers would go through it immediately.


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