Sysmetrics corrections for Win95 etc and registry

Medland, Bill Bill.Medland at
Fri Jul 6 16:43:12 CDT 2001

-------------- next part --------------
Bill Medland (medbi01 at
Modify some system metrics to agree with Win95 and reflect the desktop
registry entries.  (This will probably break some higher level code).

Index: wine/windows/sysmetrics.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/windows/sysmetrics.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 sysmetrics.c
--- wine/windows/sysmetrics.c	2001/06/14 19:24:02	1.21
+++ wine/windows/sysmetrics.c	2001/07/06 21:14:57
@@ -15,11 +15,39 @@
 #include "winbase.h"
 #include "winreg.h"
 #include "winuser.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
 #include "user.h"
 #include "sysmetrics.h"
 static int sysMetrics[SM_WINE_CMETRICS+1];
+ * RegistryTwips2Pixels
+ *
+ * Convert a a dimension value that was obtained from the registry.  These are
+ * quoted as being "twips" values if negative and pixels if positive.
+ * See for example 
+ *   MSDN Library - April 2001 -> Resource Kits ->
+ *       Windows 2000 Resource Kit Reference ->
+ *       Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry ->
+ *       HKEY_CURRENT_USE -> Control Panel -> Desktop -> WindowMetrics
+ *
+ * This is written as a function to prevent repeated evaluation of the 
+ * argument.
+ */
+static int RegistryTwips2Pixels(int x)
+    if (x < 0)
+        x = (-x+7)/15;
+    return x;
 static int SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt(const char *section, const char *key,
 				    int default_value)
@@ -40,6 +68,50 @@
     return ret;
+ * SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt
+ *
+ * Get a registry entry from the already open key.  This allows us to open the
+ * section once and read several values.  The key_is_open argument allows us
+ * to not worry at the higher level about doing defaults.
+ *
+ * Of course this function belongs somewhere more usable but here will do
+ * for now.
+ */
+static int SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (
+        int        key_is_open,     /* was the hkey opened successfully */
+        HKEY       hkey,            /* handle to the registry section */
+        const char *key,            /* value name in the section */
+        int        default_value)   /* default to return */
+    int value = default_value;
+    if (key_is_open)
+    {
+        BYTE buffer[1024];
+	DWORD type, count = sizeof(buffer);
+	if(!RegQueryValueExA (hkey, key, 0, &type, buffer, &count))
+        {
+            if (type != REG_SZ)
+            {
+                /* Are there any utilities for converting registry entries
+                 * between formats?
+                 */
+                /* FIXME_(reg)("We need reg format converter\n"); */
+            }
+            else
+	         value = atoi(buffer);
+        }
+    }
+    return value;
  *           SYSMETRICS_Init
@@ -53,33 +125,51 @@
  * SM_CYCAPTION        x+1      x	Fixed May 24, 1999 - Ronald B. Cemer
  * SM_CYMENU           x-1      x	Already fixed
  * SM_CYFULLSCREEN     x-1      x
+ * SM_CXFRAME                           Fixed July 6, 2001 - Bill Medland
  * (collides with TWEAK_WineLook sometimes,
  * so changing anything might be difficult) 
+ *
+ * Starting at Win95 there are now a large number or Registry entries in the
+ * [WindowMetrics] section that are probably relevant here.
 void SYSMETRICS_Init(void)
     HDC hdc = CreateDCA( "DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL );
+    HKEY hkey; /* key to the window metrics area of the registry */
+    int okey = 0; /* is the key h open */
+    if (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK)
+    {
+        okey = (RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
+                               "Control Panel\\desktop\\WindowMetrics",
+                                0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS);
+        /* Should we report failures? */
+    }
     sysMetrics[SM_CXCURSOR] = 32;
     sysMetrics[SM_CYCURSOR] = 32;
     sysMetrics[SM_CXSCREEN] = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, HORZRES );
     sysMetrics[SM_CYSCREEN] = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, VERTRES );
     sysMetrics[SM_WINE_BPP] = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, BITSPIXEL );
-    if (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK)
-	sysMetrics[SM_CXVSCROLL] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "ScrollBarWidth", 16);
-    else
-	sysMetrics[SM_CXVSCROLL] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "ScrollBarWidth", 17);
+    sysMetrics[SM_CXVSCROLL] =
+        SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "ScrollBarWidth",
+            (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK) ?
+                RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+                    SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "ScrollWidth", 16))
+            : 17);
     sysMetrics[SM_CYHSCROLL] = sysMetrics[SM_CXVSCROLL];
-    if (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK)
-	sysMetrics[SM_CYCAPTION] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "CaptionHeight", 19);
-    else
-	sysMetrics[SM_CYCAPTION] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "CaptionHeight", 20);
+    /* The Win 2000 resource kit SAYS that this is governed by the ScrollHeight
+     * but on my computer that controls the CYV/CXH values.
+     */
+    sysMetrics[SM_CYCAPTION] =
+        SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "CaptionHeight",
+            (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK) ?
+                RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+                    SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "CaptionHeight", 18))
+                + 1 /* for the separator? */
+            : 20);
     sysMetrics[SM_CXBORDER] = 1;
     sysMetrics[SM_CYBORDER] = sysMetrics[SM_CXBORDER];
     sysMetrics[SM_CXDLGFRAME] =
@@ -90,19 +180,24 @@
     sysMetrics[SM_CXHTHUMB] = sysMetrics[SM_CYVTHUMB];
     sysMetrics[SM_CXICON] = 32;
     sysMetrics[SM_CYICON] = 32;
-    if (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK)
-	sysMetrics[SM_CYMENU] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "MenuHeight", 19);
-    else
-	sysMetrics[SM_CYMENU] =
-	    SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "MenuHeight", 18);
+    sysMetrics[SM_CYMENU] =
+        SYSMETRICS_GetProfileInt("Tweak.Layout", "MenuHeight",
+            (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK) ?
+                RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+                    SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "MenuHeight", 18))
+                + 1 
+            : 18);
     sysMetrics[SM_CXFULLSCREEN] = sysMetrics[SM_CXSCREEN];
     sysMetrics[SM_CYFULLSCREEN] =
 	sysMetrics[SM_CYSCREEN] - sysMetrics[SM_CYCAPTION];
     sysMetrics[SM_CYKANJIWINDOW] = 0;
     sysMetrics[SM_MOUSEPRESENT] = 1;
-    sysMetrics[SM_CYVSCROLL] = sysMetrics[SM_CYVTHUMB];
-    sysMetrics[SM_CXHSCROLL] = sysMetrics[SM_CXHTHUMB];
+    sysMetrics[SM_CYVSCROLL] = RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+            SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "ScrollHeight",
+                                       sysMetrics[SM_CXVSCROLL]));
+    sysMetrics[SM_CXHSCROLL] = RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+            SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "ScrollHeight",
+                                       sysMetrics[SM_CYHSCROLL]));
     sysMetrics[SM_DEBUG] = 0;
     /* FIXME: The following should look for the registry key to see if the
@@ -120,8 +215,19 @@
     sysMetrics[SM_CXSIZE] = sysMetrics[SM_CYCAPTION] - 2;
     sysMetrics[SM_CYSIZE] = sysMetrics[SM_CXSIZE];
-    sysMetrics[SM_CXFRAME] = GetProfileIntA("Windows", "BorderWidth", 4) + 1;
+    sysMetrics[SM_CXFRAME] =
+        (TWEAK_WineLook > WIN31_LOOK) ?
+            RegistryTwips2Pixels (
+                SYSMETRICS_GetRegistryInt (okey, hkey, "BorderWidth", 1))
+            + sysMetrics[SM_CXDLGFRAME]
+        :
+            GetProfileIntA("Windows", "BorderWidth", 4) + 1;
     sysMetrics[SM_CYFRAME] = sysMetrics[SM_CXFRAME];
+    /* Since I am unable to get SM_CXDLGFRAME to be anything other than 3 on
+     * my Win95 computer I cannot proved the above assumption that the frame
+     * size is dependent on it.  However the above relationship is assumed in
+     * the painting of the Windows 95 frames (currently in nonclient.c)
+     */
     sysMetrics[SM_CXMINTRACK] = sysMetrics[SM_CXMIN];
     sysMetrics[SM_CYMINTRACK] = sysMetrics[SM_CYMIN];
     sysMetrics[SM_CXDOUBLECLK] =
@@ -194,6 +300,7 @@
     sysMetrics[SM_SAMEDISPLAYFORMAT] = 1;
     sysMetrics[SM_CMETRICS] = SM_CMETRICS;
+    if (okey) RegCloseKey (hkey);
     DeleteDC( hdc );

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