FormatMessage patch

Duane Clark dclark at
Sun May 6 19:20:42 CDT 2001


This patch adds a test of the flag FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS to the
routines FormatMessageA and FormatMessageW, and when the flag is high,
simply copies the string from "from" to "target". It appears to me from
the behavior of the routines without this patch, that they would behave
incorrectly if the flag were low. This patch does not address that
possible problem.

	Add tests for the flag FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, and act
-------------- next part --------------
Index: dlls/kernel/format_msg.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/format_msg.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 format_msg.c
--- dlls/kernel/format_msg.c	2001/01/25 22:22:21	1.14
+++ dlls/kernel/format_msg.c	2001/05/06 23:59:15
@@ -210,116 +210,123 @@
 	if (from) {
-		while (*f && !eos) {
-			if (*f=='%') {
-				int	insertnr;
-				char	*fmtstr,*x,*lastf;
-				DWORD	*argliststart;
-				fmtstr = NULL;
-				lastf = f;
-				f++;
-				if (!*f) {
-					ADD_TO_T('%');
-					continue;
-				}
-				switch (*f) {
-				case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':
-				case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':
-					insertnr=*f-'0';
-					switch (f[1]) {
-					case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':
-					case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':
-					case '8':case '9':
+			while (*f && !eos)
+				ADD_TO_T(*f++);
+		}
+		else {
+			while (*f && !eos) {
+				if (*f=='%') {
+					int	insertnr;
+					char	*fmtstr,*x,*lastf;
+					DWORD	*argliststart;
+					fmtstr = NULL;
+					lastf = f;
+					f++;
+					if (!*f) {
+						ADD_TO_T('%');
+						continue;
+					}
+					switch (*f) {
+					case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':
+					case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':
+						insertnr=*f-'0';
+						switch (f[1]) {
+						case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':
+						case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':
+						case '8':case '9':
+							f++;
+							insertnr=insertnr*10+*f-'0';
+							f++;
+							break;
+						default:
+							f++;
+							break;
+						}
+						if (*f=='!') {
+							f++;
+							if (NULL!=(x=strchr(f,'!'))) {
+								*x='\0';
+								fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f)+2);
+								sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
+								f=x+1;
+							} else {
+								fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f)+2);
+								sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
+								f+=strlen(f); /*at \0*/
+							}
+						} else {
+							if(!args)
+						  		break;
+							else
+								fmtstr=HEAP_strdupA(GetProcessHeap(),0,"%s");
+						}
+						if (args) {
+							int	sz;
+							LPSTR	b;
+								argliststart=args+insertnr-1;
+							else
+								argliststart=(*(DWORD**)args)+insertnr-1;
+							/* FIXME: precision and width components are not handled correctly */
+							if (strcmp(fmtstr, "%ls") == 0) {
+						   	sz = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, *(WCHAR**)argliststart, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+						   	b = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sz);
+						   	WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, *(WCHAR**)argliststart, -1, b, sz, NULL, NULL);
+							} else {
+						   	b = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sz = 100);
+						   	/* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
+						   	TRACE("A BIG assumption\n");
+						   	while (vsnprintf(b, sz, fmtstr, (va_list) argliststart) < 0) {
+						  	b = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, b, sz += 100);
+						   	}
+							}
+							for (x=b; *x; x++) ADD_TO_T(*x);
+							HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,b);
+						} else {
+							/* NULL args - copy formatstr 
+						 	* (probably wrong)
+						 	*/
+							while ((lastf<f)&&(*lastf)) {
+								ADD_TO_T(*lastf++);
+							}
+						}
+						HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,fmtstr);
+						break;
+					case 'n':
+						ADD_TO_T('\r');
+						ADD_TO_T('\n');
-						insertnr=insertnr*10+*f-'0';
+						break;
+					case '0':
+						eos = TRUE;
-						f++;
+						ADD_TO_T(*f++);
-					if (*f=='!') {
-						f++;
-						if (NULL!=(x=strchr(f,'!'))) {
-							*x='\0';
-							fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f)+2);
-							sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
-							f=x+1;
-						} else {
-							fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f)+2);
-							sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
-							f+=strlen(f); /*at \0*/
-						}
-					} else
-					        if(!args) 
-						  break;
-					else
-						fmtstr=HEAP_strdupA(GetProcessHeap(),0,"%s");
-					if (args) {
-						int	sz;
-					        LPSTR	b;
-						        argliststart=args+insertnr-1;
-						else
-						        argliststart=(*(DWORD**)args)+insertnr-1;
-						/* FIXME: precision and width components are not handled correctly */
-						if (strcmp(fmtstr, "%ls") == 0) {
-						   sz = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, *(WCHAR**)argliststart, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
-						   b = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sz);
-						   WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, *(WCHAR**)argliststart, -1, b, sz, NULL, NULL);
-						} else {
-						   b = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sz = 100);
-						   /* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
-						   while (vsnprintf(b, sz, fmtstr, (va_list) argliststart) < 0) {
-						      b = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, b, sz += 100);
-						   }
-						}        
-						for (x=b; *x; x++) ADD_TO_T(*x);
-						HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,b);
+				} else {
+					ch = *f;
+					f++;
+					if (ch == '\r') {
+						if (*f == '\n')
+							f++;
+						ADD_TO_T(' ');
 					} else {
-						/* NULL args - copy formatstr 
-						 * (probably wrong)
-						 */
-						while ((lastf<f)&&(*lastf)) {
-							ADD_TO_T(*lastf++);
+						if (ch == '\n')
+						{
+							ADD_TO_T('\r');
+							ADD_TO_T('\n');
+						else
+							ADD_TO_T(ch);
-					HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,fmtstr);
-					break;
-				case 'n':
-					ADD_TO_T('\r');
-					ADD_TO_T('\n');
-					f++;
-					break;
-				case '0':
-					eos = TRUE;
-					f++;
-					break;
-				default:
-				        ADD_TO_T(*f++);
-					break;
-			} else {
-			    ch = *f;
-			    f++;
-			    if (ch == '\r')
-			    {
-				if (*f == '\n')
-				    f++;
-				ADD_TO_T(' ');
-			    }
-			    else
-			    if (ch == '\n')
-			    {
-				ADD_TO_T('\r');
-				ADD_TO_T('\n');
-			    }
-			    else
-				ADD_TO_T(ch);
@@ -428,111 +435,117 @@
 	if (from) {
-		while (*f && !eos) {
-			if (*f=='%') {
-				int	insertnr;
-				char	*fmtstr,*sprintfbuf,*x;
-				DWORD	*argliststart;
-				fmtstr = NULL;
-				f++;
-				if (!*f) {
-					ADD_TO_T('%');
-					continue;
-				}
-				switch (*f) {
-				case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':
-				case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':
-					insertnr=*f-'0';
-					switch (f[1]) {
-					case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':
-					case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':
-					case '8':case '9':
+			while (*f && !eos)
+				ADD_TO_T(*f++);
+		}
+		else {
+			while (*f && !eos) {
+				if (*f=='%') {
+					int	insertnr;
+					char	*fmtstr,*sprintfbuf,*x;
+					DWORD	*argliststart;
+					fmtstr = NULL;
+					f++;
+					if (!*f) {
+						ADD_TO_T('%');
+						continue;
+					}
+					switch (*f) {
+					case '1':case '2':case '3':case '4':case '5':
+					case '6':case '7':case '8':case '9':
+						insertnr=*f-'0';
+						switch (f[1]) {
+						case '0':case '1':case '2':case '3':
+						case '4':case '5':case '6':case '7':
+						case '8':case '9':
+							f++;
+							insertnr=insertnr*10+*f-'0';
+							f++;
+							break;
+						default:
+							f++;
+							break;
+						}
+						if (*f=='!') {
+							f++;
+							if (NULL!=(x=strchr(f,'!'))) {
+        	        	        	    		*x='\0';
+        	        	        	    		fmtstr=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(f)+2);
+								sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
+								f=x+1;
+							} else {
+								fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f));
+								sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
+								f+=strlen(f); /*at \0*/
+							}
+						} else {
+							if(!args)
+						  		break;
+							else
+								fmtstr=HEAP_strdupA( GetProcessHeap(),0,"%s");
+						}
+							argliststart=args+insertnr-1;
+						else
+							argliststart=(*(DWORD**)args)+insertnr-1;
+						if (fmtstr[strlen(fmtstr)-1]=='s' && argliststart[0]) {
+							DWORD	xarr[3];
+							xarr[0]=(DWORD)HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPWSTR)(*(argliststart+0)));
+							/* possible invalid pointers */
+							xarr[1]=*(argliststart+1);
+							xarr[2]=*(argliststart+2);
+							sprintfbuf=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlenW((LPWSTR)argliststart[0])*2+1);
+							/* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
+							vsprintf(sprintfbuf, fmtstr, (va_list) xarr);
+						} else {
+							sprintfbuf=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,100);
+							/* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
+							vsprintf(sprintfbuf, fmtstr, (va_list) argliststart);
+						}
+						x=sprintfbuf;
+						while (*x) {
+							ADD_TO_T(*x++);
+						}
+						HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,sprintfbuf);
+						HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,fmtstr);
+						break;
+					case 'n':
+						ADD_TO_T('\r');
+						ADD_TO_T('\n');
-						insertnr=insertnr*10+*f-'0';
+						break;
+					case '0':
+						eos = TRUE;
-						f++;
+						ADD_TO_T(*f++);
-					if (*f=='!') {
-						f++;
-						if (NULL!=(x=strchr(f,'!')))
-                                                {
-                                                    *x='\0';
-                                                    fmtstr=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(f)+2);
-							sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
-							f=x+1;
-						} else {
-							fmtstr=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlen(f));
-							sprintf(fmtstr,"%%%s",f);
-							f+=strlen(f); /*at \0*/
-						}
-					} else
-					        if(!args)
-						  break;
-					else
-						fmtstr=HEAP_strdupA( GetProcessHeap(),0,"%s");
-						argliststart=args+insertnr-1;
-					else
-						argliststart=(*(DWORD**)args)+insertnr-1;
-					if (fmtstr[strlen(fmtstr)-1]=='s' && argliststart[0]) {
-						DWORD	xarr[3];
-						xarr[0]=(DWORD)HEAP_strdupWtoA(GetProcessHeap(),0,(LPWSTR)(*(argliststart+0)));
-						/* possible invalid pointers */
-						xarr[1]=*(argliststart+1);
-						xarr[2]=*(argliststart+2);
-						sprintfbuf=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,strlenW((LPWSTR)argliststart[0])*2+1);
-						/* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
-						vsprintf(sprintfbuf, fmtstr, (va_list) xarr);
-					} else {
-						sprintfbuf=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,100);
-						/* CMF - This makes a BIG assumption about va_list */
-						vsprintf(sprintfbuf, fmtstr, (va_list) argliststart);
-					}
-					x=sprintfbuf;
-					while (*x) {
-						ADD_TO_T(*x++);
-					}
-					HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,sprintfbuf);
-					HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,fmtstr);
-					break;
-				case 'n':
-				        ADD_TO_T('\r');
-					ADD_TO_T('\n');
-					f++;
-					break;
-				case '0':
-					eos = TRUE;
+				} else {
+					ch = *f;
-					break;
-				default:
-				        ADD_TO_T(*f++);
-					break;
+					if (ch == '\r') {
+						if (*f == '\n')
+				    			f++;
+						ADD_TO_T(' ');
+			    		} else {
+						if (ch == '\n')
+						{
+							ADD_TO_T('\r');
+							ADD_TO_T('\n');
+			    			}
+			    			else
+							ADD_TO_T(ch);
+					}
-			} else {
-			    ch = *f;
-			    f++;
-			    if (ch == '\r')
-			    {
-				if (*f == '\n')
-				    f++;
-				ADD_TO_T(' ');
-			    }
-			    else
-			    if (ch == '\n')
-			    {
-				ADD_TO_T('\r');
-				ADD_TO_T('\n');
-			    }
-			    else
-				ADD_TO_T(ch);

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