Same source screen corruption resubmit [bug 829]

Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts at
Thu Jul 4 13:57:44 CDT 2002

Change log:  Fix screen corruption when source and destination are the 
same surface,  both areas are the same size, and no flags are set. Added 
FIXME to warn user when flags are set and a  new comment explaing the 

Tony Lambregts  tony_lambregts at

-------------- next part --------------
Index: dib.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ddraw/dsurface/dib.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 dib.c
--- dib.c	28 Jun 2002 17:32:25 -0000	1.11
+++ dib.c	4 Jul 2002 19:50:50 -0000
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@
     int bpp, srcheight, srcwidth, dstheight, dstwidth, width;
     int x, y;
     LPBYTE dbuf, sbuf;
+    BOOL SameSurfaceOK = TRUE;
     TRACE("(%p)->(%p,%p,%p,%08lx,%p)\n", This,rdst,src,rsrc,dwFlags,lpbltfx);
@@ -474,6 +475,16 @@
 	sbase = (BYTE*)sdesc.lpSurface+(*sdesc.u1.lPitch)+xsrc.left*bpp;
 	xinc = (srcwidth << 16) / dstwidth;
 	yinc = (srcheight << 16) / dstheight;
+        SameSurfaceOK = (!((src == iface)&&(sbase < dbuf)&&( < xsrc.bottom)&&(xdst.left < xsrc.right)));
+        /* 
+           A little explination: Screen coruption can occure if the following set of cercumstances is true 
+           1.) Both the source and destination are the same surface. -->(src == iface) 
+           2.) The start of the source is less than the destination .  -->(sbase < dbuf) 
+           3.) There is overlap.  -->( < xsrc.bottom)&&(xdst.left < xsrc.right)
+           This is fixed in the case where no flags are set and the areas are the same size. 
+        */
 	if (!dwFlags) {
 	    /* No effects, we can cheat here */
@@ -482,11 +493,23 @@
 		    /* No stretching in either direction. This needs to be as
 		     * fast as possible */
 		    sbuf = sbase;
-		    for (y = 0; y < dstheight; y++) {
-			memcpy(dbuf, sbuf, width);
-			sbuf += sdesc.u1.lPitch;
-			dbuf += ddesc.u1.lPitch;
-		    }
+                    if (SameSurfaceOK) {
+                       for (y = 0; y < dstheight; y++) {
+                          memcpy(dbuf, sbuf, width);
+                          sbuf += sdesc.u1.lPitch;
+                          dbuf += ddesc.u1.lPitch;
+                       }
+                    } else {
+                       sbuf += (sdesc.u1.lPitch*dstheight);
+                       dbuf += (ddesc.u1.lPitch*dstheight);
+                       for (y = 0; y < dstheight; y++) {
+                          sbuf -= sdesc.u1.lPitch;
+                          dbuf -= ddesc.u1.lPitch;
+                          memmove(dbuf, sbuf, width);
+                       }
+                    }
 		} else {
 		    /* Stretching in Y direction only */
 		    for (y = sy = 0; y < dstheight; y++, sy += yinc) {
@@ -544,6 +567,10 @@
 	    DWORD keylow, keyhigh;
+            if (!SameSurfaceOK) {
+               FIXME("\tSoure and destination surfaces are the same and could cause display problems\n");
+            }
 	    if (dwFlags & DDBLT_KEYSRC) {
 		keylow  = sdesc.ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue;

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