PATCH: ImageList_LoadImageW (comctl32)

Sander van Leeuwen sandervl at
Wed May 29 10:37:07 CDT 2002

- Match behaviour of ImageList_LoadImageA wrt cx parameter (when set to zero)

Author: Sander van Leeuwen/Odin (sandervl at

--- imagelist.c	Wed May 29 17:31:28 2002
+++	Wed May 29 17:32:38 2002
@@ -1907,19 +1907,6 @@
     if (uType == IMAGE_BITMAP) {
         BITMAP bmp;
         GetObjectA (handle, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp);
-        /* To match windows behavior, if cx is set to zero and
-         the flag DI_DEFAULTSIZE is specified, cx becomes the
-         system metric value for icons. If the flag is not specified
-         the function sets the size to the height of the bitmap */
-        if (cx == 0)
-        {
-            if (uFlags & DI_DEFAULTSIZE)
-                cx = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXICON);
-            else
-                cx = bmp.bmHeight;
-        }
         nImageCount = bmp.bmWidth / cx;
         himl = ImageList_Create (cx, bmp.bmHeight, ILC_MASK | ILC_COLOR,

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