Listview K4

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Fri Oct 4 00:55:38 CDT 2002

This one is tricky. It's a rewrite of the begin/end label edit.
It's cleaner, smaller, meaner, should work better for OWNERDRAW.
However, it's quite different from the original, and may introduce
problems. I'd appreciate it if you can give it a beating.

  Rewrite the begin/end label edit procedures. 
  Better support of OWNERDRAW.
  Cleaner, simpler code.

--- dlls/comctl32/listview.c.K3	Fri Oct  4 00:26:57 2002
+++ dlls/comctl32/listview.c	Fri Oct  4 01:48:01 2002
@@ -4062,56 +4062,32 @@
 static BOOL LISTVIEW_EndEditLabelT(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, LPWSTR pszText, BOOL isW)
-  LONG lStyle = infoPtr->dwStyle;
-  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
-  LVITEMW item;
-  BOOL bResult = TRUE;
-  INT nItem = infoPtr->nEditLabelItem;
-  TRACE("(pszText=%s, nItem=%d, isW=%d)\n", debugtext_t(pszText, isW), nItem, isW);
-  infoPtr->bEditing = FALSE;
-  if (!(lStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA))
-  {
-    if (!(hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
-	  return FALSE;
-    if (!(lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
-  	  return FALSE;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ZeroMemory(&lvItemRef,sizeof(LISTVIEW_ITEM));
-    item.iItem = nItem;
-    item.iSubItem = 0;
-    item.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE;
-    item.stateMask = ~0;
-    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemW(infoPtr, &item, TRUE)) return FALSE;
-    lvItemRef.hdr.iImage = item.iImage;
-    lvItemRef.state = item.state;
-    lvItemRef.lParam = item.lParam;
-    lpItem = &lvItemRef;
-  }
-  ZeroMemory(&dispInfo, sizeof(dispInfo));
-  dispInfo.item.mask = 0;
-  dispInfo.item.iItem = nItem;
-  dispInfo.item.state = lpItem->state;
-  dispInfo.item.stateMask = 0; /* FIXME: why not copy the state mask in here? */
-  dispInfo.item.pszText = pszText;
-  dispInfo.item.cchTextMax = textlenT(pszText, isW);
-  dispInfo.item.iImage = lpItem->hdr.iImage;
-  dispInfo.item.lParam = lpItem->lParam;
-  /* Do we need to update the Item Text */
-  if(notify_dispinfoT(infoPtr, LVN_ENDLABELEDITW, &dispInfo, isW))
-    if (lpItem->hdr.pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW && !(lStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA))
-      bResult = textsetptrT(&lpItem->hdr.pszText, pszText, isW);
+    NMLVDISPINFOW dispInfo;
-  return bResult;
+    TRACE("(pszText=%s, isW=%d)\n", debugtext_t(pszText, isW), isW);
+    infoPtr->bEditing = FALSE;
+    ZeroMemory(&dispInfo, sizeof(dispInfo));
+    dispInfo.item.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE;
+    dispInfo.item.iItem = infoPtr->nEditLabelItem;
+    dispInfo.item.iSubItem = 0;
+    dispInfo.item.stateMask = ~0;
+    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemW(infoPtr, &dispInfo.item, TRUE)) return FALSE;
+    dispInfo.item.pszText = pszText;
+    dispInfo.item.cchTextMax = textlenT(pszText, isW);
+    /* Do we need to update the Item Text */
+    if (!notify_dispinfoT(infoPtr, LVN_ENDLABELEDITW, &dispInfo, isW)) return FALSE;
+    if (!pszText) return TRUE;
+    ZeroMemory(&dispInfo, sizeof(dispInfo));
+    dispInfo.item.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
+    dispInfo.item.iItem = infoPtr->nEditLabelItem;
+    dispInfo.item.iSubItem = 0;
+    dispInfo.item.pszText = pszText;
+    dispInfo.item.cchTextMax = textlenT(pszText, isW);
+    return LISTVIEW_SetItemT(infoPtr, &dispInfo.item, isW);
@@ -4129,92 +4105,54 @@
 static HWND LISTVIEW_EditLabelT(LISTVIEW_INFO *infoPtr, INT nItem, BOOL isW)
-  RECT rect;
-  HWND hedit;
-  HDPA hdpaSubItems;
-  LVITEMW lvItem;
-  LONG lStyle = infoPtr->dwStyle;
-  if (~infoPtr->dwStyle & LVS_EDITLABELS)
-      return FALSE;
-  infoPtr->nEditLabelItem = nItem;
-  TRACE("(nItem=%d, isW=%d)\n", nItem, isW);
-  /* Is the EditBox still there, if so remove it */
-  if(infoPtr->hwndEdit != 0)
-  {
-      SetFocus(infoPtr->hwndSelf);
-      infoPtr->hwndEdit = 0;
-  }
-  LISTVIEW_SetSelection(infoPtr, nItem);
-  LISTVIEW_SetItemFocus(infoPtr, nItem);
-  if (!(lStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA))
-  {
-    if (NULL == (hdpaSubItems = (HDPA)DPA_GetPtr(infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem)))
-  	  return 0;
-    if (NULL == (lpItem = (LISTVIEW_ITEM *)DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSubItems, 0)))
-  	  return 0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    LVITEMW item;
-    item.iItem = nItem;
-    item.iSubItem = 0;
-    item.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE;
-    item.stateMask = ~0;
-    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemW(infoPtr, &item, TRUE)) return FALSE;
-    lvItemRef.hdr.iImage = item.iImage;
-    lvItemRef.state = item.state;
-    lvItemRef.lParam = item.lParam;
-    lpItem = &lvItemRef;
-  }
-  /* get information needed for drawing the item */
-  lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
-  lvItem.iItem = nItem;
-  lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
-  lvItem.cchTextMax = DISP_TEXT_SIZE;
-  lvItem.pszText = szDispText;
-  *lvItem.pszText = '\0';
-  if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemT(infoPtr, &lvItem, FALSE, isW)) return FALSE;
-  ZeroMemory(&dispInfo, sizeof(dispInfo));
-  dispInfo.item.mask = 0;
-  dispInfo.item.iItem = nItem;
-  dispInfo.item.state = lpItem->state;
-  dispInfo.item.stateMask = 0; /* FIXME: why not copy the state mask in here? */
-  dispInfo.item.pszText = lvItem.pszText;
-  dispInfo.item.cchTextMax = lstrlenW(lvItem.pszText);
-  dispInfo.item.iImage = lpItem->hdr.iImage;
-  dispInfo.item.lParam = lpItem->lParam;
-  if (notify_dispinfoT(infoPtr, LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW, &dispInfo, isW))
-	  return 0;
-  rect.left = LVIR_LABEL;
-  if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(infoPtr, nItem, &rect))
-	  return 0;
-  if (!(hedit = CreateEditLabelT(infoPtr, szDispText, WS_VISIBLE,
-		 rect.left-2,, 0, rect.bottom -, isW)))
-	 return 0;
-  infoPtr->hwndEdit = hedit;
-  ShowWindow(infoPtr->hwndEdit,SW_NORMAL);
-  infoPtr->bEditing = TRUE;
-  SetFocus(infoPtr->hwndEdit);
-  SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1);
-  return infoPtr->hwndEdit;
+    WCHAR szDispText[DISP_TEXT_SIZE] = { 0 };
+    NMLVDISPINFOW dispInfo;
+    RECT rect;
+    TRACE("(nItem=%d, isW=%d)\n", nItem, isW);
+    if (~infoPtr->dwStyle & LVS_EDITLABELS) return 0;
+    infoPtr->nEditLabelItem = nItem;
+    /* Is the EditBox still there, if so remove it */
+    if(infoPtr->hwndEdit != 0)
+    {
+        SetFocus(infoPtr->hwndSelf);
+        infoPtr->hwndEdit = 0;
+    }
+    LISTVIEW_SetSelection(infoPtr, nItem);
+    LISTVIEW_SetItemFocus(infoPtr, nItem);
+    rect.left = LVIR_LABEL;
+    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemRect(infoPtr, nItem, &rect)) return 0;
+    ZeroMemory(&dispInfo, sizeof(dispInfo));
+    dispInfo.item.mask = LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_TEXT;
+    dispInfo.item.iItem = nItem;
+    dispInfo.item.iSubItem = 0;
+    dispInfo.item.stateMask = ~0;
+    dispInfo.item.pszText = szDispText;
+    dispInfo.item.cchTextMax = DISP_TEXT_SIZE;
+    if (!LISTVIEW_GetItemT(infoPtr, &dispInfo.item, FALSE, isW)) return 0;
+    infoPtr->hwndEdit = CreateEditLabelT(infoPtr, dispInfo.item.pszText, WS_VISIBLE,
+		    rect.left-2,, 0, rect.bottom -, isW);
+    if (!infoPtr->hwndEdit) return 0;
+    if (notify_dispinfoT(infoPtr, LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW, &dispInfo, isW))
+    {
+	SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndEdit, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+	infoPtr->hwndEdit = 0;
+	return 0;
+    }
+    infoPtr->bEditing = TRUE;
+    ShowWindow(infoPtr->hwndEdit, SW_NORMAL);
+    SetFocus(infoPtr->hwndEdit);
+    SendMessageW(infoPtr->hwndEdit, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1);
+    return infoPtr->hwndEdit;


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