Listview V4

Dimitrie O. Paun dpaun at
Sun Oct 20 10:23:14 CDT 2002

This should fix the bug reported by David.
The entire thing used to work because of the two bugs
canceling each other out!

  Do not grow the item list to arbritary index:
    if requested index is larger than current count, just append
  Miscellaneous cleanups.

--- dlls/comctl32/listview.c.V3	Sun Oct 20 10:44:23 2002
+++ dlls/comctl32/listview.c	Sun Oct 20 11:19:33 2002
@@ -5647,15 +5647,11 @@
     NMLISTVIEW nmlv;
     LISTVIEW_ITEM *lpItem;
     BOOL is_sorted, has_changed;
+    LVITEMW item;
     TRACE("(lpLVItem=%s, isW=%d)\n", debuglvitem_t(lpLVItem, isW), isW);
-    if (lStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA)
-    {
-	nItem = infoPtr->nItemCount;
-	infoPtr->nItemCount++;
-	return nItem;
-    }
+    if (lStyle & LVS_OWNERDATA) return infoPtr->nItemCount++;
     /* make sure it's an item, and not a subitem; cannot insert a subitem */
     if (!lpLVItem || lpLVItem->iItem < 0 || lpLVItem->iSubItem) return -1;
@@ -5674,17 +5670,17 @@
     is_sorted = (lStyle & (LVS_SORTASCENDING | LVS_SORTDESCENDING)) &&
 	        !(lStyle & LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) && (LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACKW != lpLVItem->pszText);
-    nItem = is_sorted ? infoPtr->nItemCount + 1 : lpLVItem->iItem;
+    nItem = is_sorted ? infoPtr->nItemCount : min(lpLVItem->iItem, infoPtr->nItemCount);
     TRACE(" inserting at %d, sorted=%d, count=%d, iItem=%d\n", nItem, is_sorted, infoPtr->nItemCount, lpLVItem->iItem);
     nItem = DPA_InsertPtr( infoPtr->hdpaItems, nItem, hdpaSubItems );
-    TRACE(" result of insert is %d\n", nItem);
     if (nItem == -1) goto fail;
-    /* the array may be sparsly populated, we can't just increment the count here */
-    infoPtr->nItemCount = infoPtr->hdpaItems->nItemCount;
-    TRACE(" item count is %d\n", infoPtr->nItemCount);
+    infoPtr->nItemCount++;
     /* set the item attributes */ 
-    if (!set_main_item(infoPtr, lpLVItem, TRUE, isW, &has_changed)) goto undo;
+    item = *lpLVItem;
+    item.iItem = nItem;
+    item.state &= ~LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK;
+    if (!set_main_item(infoPtr, &item, TRUE, isW, &has_changed)) goto undo;
     /* if we're sorted, sort the list, and update the index */
     if (is_sorted)

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