[D3D] Faster memory to frame buffer blits.

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at free.fr
Sat Jun 21 05:37:08 CDT 2003

This makes me gain about 10 FPS in the Ragnarok menu (which extensively uses
Blt to the frame buffer). No idea about the game as it got commercial and I
cannot enter anymore with the 'beta' account I was given.

If anyone wants the game to work better, feel free to lend me your account
to do some tests :-)


 - some TRACEing fixes
 - faster Blt to the framebuffer using texture engine
		 Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/
-------------- next part --------------
--- dlls/ddraw_CVS/d3ddevice/mesa.c	Mon Jun 16 00:00:37 2003
+++ dlls/ddraw/d3ddevice/mesa.c	Sat Jun 21 12:32:41 2003
@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@
     if (gl_d3d_dev->fogging != FALSE) glDisable(GL_FOG);
     if (gl_d3d_dev->current_tex_env != GL_REPLACE)
-    glColor3ub(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
     return opt_bitmap;
@@ -2686,14 +2685,12 @@
     return d3ddevice_clear(This, WINE_GL_BUFFER_BACK, dwCount, lpRects, dwFlags, dwColor, dvZ, dwStencil);
-d3ddevice_blt(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *This, LPRECT rdst,
-	      DWORD dwFlags, LPDDBLTFX lpbltfx)
+static HRESULT
+setup_rect_and_surface_for_blt(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *This,
+			       WINE_GL_BUFFER_TYPE *buffer_type_p, D3DRECT *rect)
     IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *gl_d3d_dev = (IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *) This->d3ddevice;
     WINE_GL_BUFFER_TYPE buffer_type;
-    D3DRECT rect;
     /* First check if we BLT to the backbuffer... */
     if ((This->surface_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps & (DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER)) != 0) {
@@ -2704,7 +2701,30 @@
 	ERR("Only BLT override to front or back-buffer is supported for now !\n");
+    if ((gl_d3d_dev->state[buffer_type] == SURFACE_MEMORY_DIRTY) &&
+	(rect->u1.x1 >= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].left) &&
+	(rect->u2.y1 >= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].top) &&
+	(rect->u3.x2 <= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].right) &&
+	(rect->u4.y2 <= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].bottom)) {
+	/* If the memory zone is already dirty, use the standard 'in memory' blit operations and not
+	 * GL to do it.
+	 */
+    }
+    *buffer_type_p = buffer_type;
+    return DD_OK;
+d3ddevice_blt(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *This, LPRECT rdst,
+	      DWORD dwFlags, LPDDBLTFX lpbltfx)
+    WINE_GL_BUFFER_TYPE buffer_type;
+    D3DRECT rect;
     if (rdst) {
 	rect.u1.x1 = rdst->left;
 	rect.u2.y1 = rdst->top;
@@ -2716,17 +2736,8 @@
 	rect.u3.x2 = This->surface_desc.dwWidth;
 	rect.u4.y2 = This->surface_desc.dwHeight;
-    if ((gl_d3d_dev->state[buffer_type] == SURFACE_MEMORY_DIRTY) &&
-	(rect.u1.x1 >= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].left) &&
-	(rect.u2.y1 >= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].top) &&
-	(rect.u3.x2 <= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].right) &&
-	(rect.u4.y2 <= gl_d3d_dev->lock_rect[buffer_type].bottom)) {
-	/* If the memory zone is already dirty, use the standard 'in memory' blit operations and not
-	 * GL to do it.
-	 */
-    }
+    if (setup_rect_and_surface_for_blt(This, &buffer_type, &rect) != DD_OK) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS;
     if (dwFlags & DDBLT_COLORFILL) {
         /* This is easy to handle for the D3D Device... */
@@ -2794,14 +2805,16 @@
         return DD_OK;
-    } else if ((dwFlags & (~(DDBLT_WAIT|DDBLT_ASYNC))) == 0) {
+    } else if ((dwFlags & (~(DDBLT_KEYSRC|DDBLT_WAIT|DDBLT_ASYNC))) == 0) {
 	/* Normal blit without any special case... */
 	if (src != NULL) {
 	    /* And which has a SRC surface */
 	    IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *src_impl = ICOM_OBJECT(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl, IDirectDrawSurface7, src);
 	    if ((src_impl->surface_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps & DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE) &&
-		(src_impl->d3ddevice == This->d3ddevice)) {
-		/* Both are 3D devices and using the same GL device */
+		(src_impl->d3ddevice == This->d3ddevice) &&
+		((dwFlags & DDBLT_KEYSRC) == 0)) {
+		/* Both are 3D devices and using the same GL device and the Blt is without color-keying */
 		D3DRECT src_rect;
 		int width, height;
 		GLenum prev_draw;
@@ -2920,6 +2933,110 @@
 		return DD_OK;
+	    } else {
+		/* This is the normal 'with source' Blit. Use the texture engine to do the Blt for us
+		   (this prevents calling glReadPixels) */
+		D3DRECT src_rect;
+		int width, height;
+		GLenum prev_draw;
+		IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *gl_d3d_dev = (IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *) This->d3ddevice;
+		BOOLEAN initial = FALSE;
+		DWORD opt_bitmap;
+		int x, y;
+		double x_stretch, y_stretch;
+		if (dwFlags & DDBLT_KEYSRC) {
+		    /* As I have no game using this, did not bother to do it yet as I cannot test it anyway */
+		    FIXME(" Blt overide with color-keying not supported yet.\n");
+		}
+		if (rsrc) {
+		    src_rect.u1.x1 = rsrc->left;
+		    src_rect.u2.y1 = rsrc->top;
+		    src_rect.u3.x2 = rsrc->right;
+		    src_rect.u4.y2 = rsrc->bottom;
+		} else {
+		    src_rect.u1.x1 = 0;
+		    src_rect.u2.y1 = 0;
+		    src_rect.u3.x2 = src_impl->surface_desc.dwWidth;
+		    src_rect.u4.y2 = src_impl->surface_desc.dwHeight;
+		}
+		width = src_rect.u3.x2 - src_rect.u1.x1;
+		height = src_rect.u4.y2 - src_rect.u2.y1;
+		x_stretch = (double) (rect.u3.x2 - rect.u1.x1) / (double) width;
+		y_stretch = (double) (rect.u4.y2 - rect.u2.y1) / (double) height;
+		TRACE(" using memory to buffer Blt overide.\n");
+		ENTER_GL();
+		opt_bitmap = d3ddevice_set_state_for_flush(This->d3ddevice, (LPCRECT) &rect, FALSE, &initial);
+		if (upload_surface_to_tex_memory_init(src_impl, 0, &gl_d3d_dev->current_internal_format,
+						      initial, FALSE, UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE, UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) != DD_OK) {
+		    ERR(" unsupported pixel format at memory to buffer Blt overide.\n");
+		    LEAVE_GL();
+		}
+		glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_BUFFER, &prev_draw);
+		if (buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_FRONT)
+		    glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT);
+		else
+		    glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK);
+		/* Now the serious stuff happens. This is basically the same code that for the memory
+		   flush to frame buffer ... with stretching and different rectangles added :-) */
+		for (y = 0; y < height; y += UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) {
+		    RECT flush_rect;
+		    flush_rect.top    = src_rect.u2.y1 + y;
+		    flush_rect.bottom = ((src_rect.u2.y1 + y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > src_rect.u4.y2) ?
+					 src_rect.u4.y2 :
+					 (src_rect.u2.y1 + y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE));
+		    for (x = 0; x < width; x += UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) {
+			flush_rect.left  = src_rect.u1.x1 + x;
+			flush_rect.right = ((src_rect.u1.x1 + x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > src_rect.u3.x2) ?
+					    src_rect.u3.x2 :
+					    (src_rect.u1.x1 + x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE));
+			upload_surface_to_tex_memory(&flush_rect, 0, 0, &(gl_d3d_dev->surface_ptr));
+			glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+			glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
+			glVertex3d(rect.u1.x1 + (x * x_stretch),
+				   rect.u2.y1 + (y * y_stretch),
+				   0.5);
+			glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
+			glVertex3d(rect.u1.x1 + ((x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) * x_stretch),
+				   rect.u2.y1 + (y * y_stretch),
+				   0.5);
+			glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
+			glVertex3d(rect.u1.x1 + ((x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) * x_stretch),
+				   rect.u2.y1 + ((y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) * y_stretch),
+				   0.5);
+			glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
+			glVertex3d(rect.u1.x1 + (x * x_stretch),
+				   rect.u2.y1 + ((y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) * y_stretch),
+				   0.5);
+			glEnd();
+		    }
+		}
+		upload_surface_to_tex_memory_release();
+		d3ddevice_restore_state_after_flush(This->d3ddevice, opt_bitmap, FALSE);
+		if (((buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_FRONT) && (prev_draw == GL_BACK)) ||
+		    ((buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_BACK)  && (prev_draw == GL_FRONT)))
+		    glDrawBuffer(prev_draw);
+		LEAVE_GL();
+		return DD_OK;		
@@ -2931,7 +3048,117 @@
 		  LPRECT rsrc, DWORD trans)
+    RECT rsrc2;
+    RECT rdst;
+    IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *src_impl = ICOM_OBJECT(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl, IDirectDrawSurface7, src);
+    IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *gl_d3d_dev = (IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl *) This->d3ddevice;
+    WINE_GL_BUFFER_TYPE buffer_type;
+    GLenum prev_draw;
+    DWORD opt_bitmap;
+    BOOLEAN initial;
+    int width, height, x, y;
+    /* Cannot support DSTCOLORKEY blitting... */
+    if (rsrc == NULL) {
+	WARN("rsrc is NULL - getting the whole surface !!\n");
+	rsrc = &rsrc2;
+	rsrc->left = rsrc->top = 0;
+	rsrc->right = src_impl->surface_desc.dwWidth;
+	rsrc->bottom = src_impl->surface_desc.dwHeight;
+    } else {
+	rsrc2 = *rsrc;
+	rsrc = &rsrc2;
+    }
+    rdst.left = dstx;
+    rdst.top = dsty;
+    rdst.right = dstx + (rsrc->right - rsrc->left);
+    if (rdst.right > This->surface_desc.dwWidth) {
+	rsrc->right -= (This->surface_desc.dwWidth - rdst.right);
+	rdst.right = This->surface_desc.dwWidth;
+    }
+    rdst.bottom = dsty + (rsrc->bottom - rsrc->top);
+    if (rdst.bottom > This->surface_desc.dwHeight) {
+	rsrc->bottom -= (This->surface_desc.dwHeight - rdst.bottom);
+	rdst.bottom = This->surface_desc.dwHeight;
+    }
+    width = rsrc->right - rsrc->left;
+    height = rsrc->bottom - rsrc->top;
+    if (setup_rect_and_surface_for_blt(This, &buffer_type, (D3DRECT *) &rdst) != DD_OK) return DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS;
+    TRACE(" using BltFast memory to frame buffer overide.\n");
+    ENTER_GL();
+    opt_bitmap = d3ddevice_set_state_for_flush(This->d3ddevice, &rdst, (trans & DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) != 0, &initial);
+    if (upload_surface_to_tex_memory_init(src_impl, 0, &gl_d3d_dev->current_internal_format,
+					  initial, (trans & DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) != 0,
+	ERR(" unsupported pixel format at memory to buffer Blt overide.\n");
+    }
+    glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_BUFFER, &prev_draw);
+    if (buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_FRONT)
+	glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT);
+    else
+	glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK);
+    /* Now the serious stuff happens. This is basically the same code that for the memory
+       flush to frame buffer but with different rectangles for source and destination :-) */
+    for (y = 0; y < height; y += UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) {
+	RECT flush_rect;
+	flush_rect.top    = rsrc->top + y;
+	flush_rect.bottom = ((rsrc->top + y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > rsrc->bottom) ?
+			     rsrc->bottom :
+			     (rsrc->top + y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE));
+	for (x = 0; x < width; x += UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) {
+	    flush_rect.left  = rsrc->left + x;
+	    flush_rect.right = ((rsrc->left + x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > rsrc->right) ?
+				rsrc->right :
+				(rsrc->left + x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE));
+	    upload_surface_to_tex_memory(&flush_rect, 0, 0, &(gl_d3d_dev->surface_ptr));
+	    glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+	    glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
+	    glVertex3d(rdst.left + x,
+		       rdst.top + y,
+		       0.5);
+	    glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0);
+	    glVertex3d(rdst.left + (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE),
+		       rdst.top + y,
+		       0.5);
+	    glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0);
+	    glVertex3d(rdst.left + (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE),
+		       rdst.top + (y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE),
+		       0.5);
+	    glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0);
+	    glVertex3d(rdst.left + x,
+		       rdst.top + (y + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE),
+		       0.5);
+	    glEnd();
+	}
+    }
+    upload_surface_to_tex_memory_release();
+    d3ddevice_restore_state_after_flush(This->d3ddevice, opt_bitmap, (trans & DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) != 0);
+    if (((buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_FRONT) && (prev_draw == GL_BACK)) ||
+	((buffer_type == WINE_GL_BUFFER_BACK)  && (prev_draw == GL_FRONT)))
+	glDrawBuffer(prev_draw);
+    LEAVE_GL();
+    return DD_OK;
@@ -3325,7 +3552,7 @@
 	for (x = pRect->left; x < pRect->right; x += UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE) {
 	    /* First, upload the texture... */
 	    flush_rect.left = x;
-	    flush_rect.right  = (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > pRect->right)  ? pRect->right  : (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE);
+	    flush_rect.right = (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE > pRect->right)  ? pRect->right  : (x + UNLOCK_TEX_SIZE);
 	    upload_surface_to_tex_memory(&flush_rect, 0, 0, &(gl_d3d_dev->surface_ptr));
--- dlls/ddraw_CVS/dsurface/dib.c	Sun May 25 15:35:40 2003
+++ dlls/ddraw/dsurface/dib.c	Mon Jun 16 22:44:35 2003
@@ -819,16 +819,16 @@
     if (TRACE_ON(ddraw)) {
-	FIXME("(%p)->(%ld,%ld,%p,%p,%08lx)\n",
+	TRACE("(%p)->(%ld,%ld,%p,%p,%08lx)\n",
-	FIXME("\ttrans:");
+	TRACE("\ttrans:");
 	if (FIXME_ON(ddraw))
 	if (rsrc)
-	  FIXME("\tsrcrect: %ldx%ld-%ldx%ld\n",rsrc->left,rsrc->top,rsrc->right,rsrc->bottom);
+	  TRACE("\tsrcrect: %ldx%ld-%ldx%ld\n",rsrc->left,rsrc->top,rsrc->right,rsrc->bottom);
-	  FIXME(" srcrect: NULL\n");
+	  TRACE(" srcrect: NULL\n");
     /* First, check if the possible override function handles this case */
--- dlls/ddraw_CVS/mesa.c	Sun Jun 15 18:46:05 2003
+++ dlls/ddraw/mesa.c	Sat Jun 21 12:28:48 2003
@@ -617,6 +617,8 @@
 static GLuint current_level;
 static DWORD current_tex_width;
 static DWORD current_tex_height;
+static BOOLEAN need_alignement_restore;
+static int current_storage_width;
 HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory_init(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surf_ptr, GLuint level, GLenum *current_internal_format,
 					  BOOLEAN need_to_alloc, BOOLEAN need_alpha_ck, DWORD tex_width, DWORD tex_height)
@@ -627,6 +629,8 @@
     GLenum internal_format = GL_LUMINANCE; /* A bogus value to be sure to have a nice Mesa warning :-) */
     BYTE bpp = GET_BPP(surf_ptr->surface_desc);
     BOOL sub_texture = TRUE;
+    need_alignement_restore = FALSE;
     current_surface = surf_ptr;
     current_level = level;
@@ -868,16 +872,16 @@
     if ((sub_texture == TRUE) && (convert_type == NO_CONVERSION)) {
-	glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp);
+	current_storage_width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp;
     } else {
 	if (surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch == (surf_ptr->surface_desc.dwWidth * bpp)) {
-	    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
+	    current_storage_width = 0;
 	} else {
-	    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp);
-	}
+	    current_storage_width = surf_ptr->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp;
+	}	
+    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, current_storage_width);
     return DD_OK;
@@ -1217,10 +1221,31 @@
     if (convert_type != NO_CONVERSION) {
+	int storage_width;
 	surf_buffer = *temp_buffer;
 	if (width != current_tex_width) {
 	    /* Overide the default PixelStore parameter if only using part of the actual texture */
-	    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, width);
+	    storage_width = width;
+	    /* This is needed when locking with a rectangle with 'odd' width */
+	    if (need_alignement_restore == FALSE) {
+		glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+		need_alignement_restore = TRUE;
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (current_surface->surface_desc.u1.lPitch == (current_surface->surface_desc.dwWidth * bpp)) {
+		storage_width = 0;
+	    } else {
+		storage_width = current_surface->surface_desc.u1.lPitch / bpp;
+	    }
+	    if (need_alignement_restore == TRUE) {
+		glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 0);
+		need_alignement_restore = FALSE;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (storage_width != current_storage_width) {
+	    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, storage_width);
+	    current_storage_width = storage_width;
@@ -1239,5 +1264,9 @@
     current_surface = NULL;
+    if (need_alignement_restore == TRUE) {
+	glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
+    }
     return DD_OK;

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