Wine isn't GUI user friendly (was: Re: Make wine work with MIME system)

Christian Neumair chris at
Sun Jul 25 09:39:43 CDT 2004

Am Sonntag, den 25.07.2004, 16:32 +0200 schrieb Christian Neumair:
> Mike felt good enough to explain me on IRC where I should hook into the
> wine build system. I've put up a tiny patch that works like a charm with
> GNOME/shared-mime-info HEAD. It associates wine with the MIME type used
> for DOS/Win32 binaries.

That reminds me of asking for nicer, GUI-driven error handling:
touch mustardandwiener.exe &&
wine mustardandwiener.exe
 wine: cannot determine executable type for L"H:\\Desktop\\test.exe"
which is neither verbose enough nor user friendly, because it is simply
printed at a terminal. Modern desktop environments usually launch wine
from their file manager, i.e. without terminals.
Can't we have popup dialogs for that kind of errors? As far as I know,
debian guys have build a shell/wrapper around wine that pops up if weird
things like these occur. Can't we have such a wrapper in stock wine? For
now, it would be enough to just catch the most common problems (binary
not found, binary can't be loaded, etc.).


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