Free application with menu redrawing/flicker loop (window position mismatch?)

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Wed Jun 30 01:40:54 CDT 2004

"Andreas Mohr" <andi at> wrote:

> The following program which a school employee (4000 pupils!) asked me about
> that prevents his school administration from switching to Linux has problems
> with continuous redrawing of the menu bar and non-redrawing of the client area
> (resulting from continuous menu redrawing?):
> Note that installation runs fine; it's the main program which breaks.
> The relay log shows signs of a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING/WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED loop
> or something like that.
> If someone more familiar with messaging and window management could have a
> look at it, then I'm sure he'd greatly appreciate it. :)

This is because the app does SetWindowText() on its MDI frame window
on each WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message and our MDI_UpdateFrameText
implementation did SetWindowPos(SWP_FRAMECHANGED) every time,
therefore we have an infinite loop.

I don't see at all why that SetWindowPos is needed, DefWindowProc
already takes care of it.

    Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at>
    Do not do SetWindowPos(SWP_FRAMECHANGED) in the DefFrameProc(WM_SETTEXT)
    handler, DefWindowProc already takes care of it.

-------------- next part --------------
--- cvs/hq/wine/windows/mdi.c	Fri Jun 25 22:02:44 2004
+++ wine/windows/mdi.c	Wed Jun 30 15:28:07 2004
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ typedef struct
 static HBITMAP hBmpClose   = 0;
 /* ----------------- declarations ----------------- */
-static void MDI_UpdateFrameText( HWND, HWND, BOOL, LPCWSTR);
+static void MDI_UpdateFrameText( HWND, HWND, LPCWSTR);
 static BOOL MDI_AugmentFrameMenu( HWND, HWND );
 static BOOL MDI_RestoreFrameMenu( HWND, HWND );
 static LONG MDI_ChildActivate( HWND, HWND );
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ static LONG MDI_ChildActivate( HWND clie
             MDI_RestoreFrameMenu(frame, child);
-    MDI_UpdateFrameText(frame, client, TRUE, NULL);
+    MDI_UpdateFrameText(frame, client, NULL);
     /* check if we have any children left */
     if( !child )
@@ -929,13 +929,12 @@ static BOOL MDI_RestoreFrameMenu( HWND f
  * Note: lpTitle can be NULL
-static void MDI_UpdateFrameText( HWND frame, HWND hClient,
-                                 BOOL repaint, LPCWSTR lpTitle )
+static void MDI_UpdateFrameText( HWND frame, HWND hClient, LPCWSTR lpTitle )
     MDICLIENTINFO *ci = get_client_info( hClient );
-    TRACE("repaint %i, frameText %s\n", repaint, debugstr_w(lpTitle));
+    TRACE("frameText %s\n", debugstr_w(lpTitle));
     if (!ci) return;
@@ -984,9 +983,6 @@ static void MDI_UpdateFrameText( HWND fr
 	lpBuffer[0] = '\0';
     DefWindowProcW( frame, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)lpBuffer );
-    if( repaint )
-        SetWindowPos( frame, 0,0,0,0,0, SWP_FRAMECHANGED |
@@ -1255,7 +1251,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefFrameProcA( HWND hwnd,
                 DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR)lParam, -1, NULL, 0 );
                 LPWSTR text = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR) );
                 MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPSTR)lParam, -1, text, len );
-                MDI_UpdateFrameText(hwnd, hwndMDIClient, TRUE, text );
+                MDI_UpdateFrameText( hwnd, hwndMDIClient, text );
                 HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, text );
             return 1; /* success. FIXME: check text length */
@@ -1329,7 +1325,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefFrameProcW( HWND hwnd,
         case WM_SETTEXT:
-            MDI_UpdateFrameText(hwnd, hwndMDIClient, TRUE, (LPWSTR)lParam );
+            MDI_UpdateFrameText( hwnd, hwndMDIClient, (LPWSTR)lParam );
 	    return 1; /* success. FIXME: check text length */
         case WM_SETFOCUS:
@@ -1387,7 +1383,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefMDIChildProcA( HWND hw
     case WM_SETTEXT:
 	DefWindowProcA(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
 	if( ci->hwndActiveChild == hwnd && IsZoomed(ci->hwndActiveChild) )
-	    MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, TRUE, NULL );
+	    MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, NULL );
         return 1; /* success. FIXME: check text length */
@@ -1426,7 +1422,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefMDIChildProcW( HWND hw
     case WM_SETTEXT:
         DefWindowProcW(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
         if( ci->hwndActiveChild == hwnd && IsZoomed(ci->hwndActiveChild) )
-            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, TRUE, NULL );
+            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, NULL );
         return 1; /* success. FIXME: check text length */
@@ -1480,7 +1476,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefMDIChildProcW( HWND hw
         if( hwnd == ci->hwndActiveChild && wParam != SIZE_MAXIMIZED )
             MDI_RestoreFrameMenu( GetParent(client), hwnd );
-            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, TRUE, NULL );
+            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, NULL );
         if( wParam == SIZE_MAXIMIZED )
@@ -1488,7 +1484,7 @@ LRESULT WINAPI DefMDIChildProcW( HWND hw
             TRACE("maximizing child %p\n", hwnd );
             MDI_AugmentFrameMenu( GetParent(client), hwnd );
-            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, TRUE, NULL );
+            MDI_UpdateFrameText( GetParent(client), client, NULL );
         if( wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED )

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